Chapter 13

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The bell rung and everyone grabbed there things, leaving.

Just as Jennie stood up I grabbed her elbow softly. She turned around and smiled brightly.

"Hi Lisa."

"Hi Jen, I was wondering-" "oh do you need the math notes. I got them, everybody has been asking me for them." She said reaching around in her bag. I grabbed her hand stopping her.

"No Jennie.... I was wondering if you wanted to-" "Study? I'm good at any subject so whatever you need help in-" I groaned and rolled my eyes "Jennie listen. I want you to come to a party with me." I finally got out.

Her cheeks turned a light pink "You wanna go with m-me?"

She said surprised. I nodded "Yeah. I want you to be my date. So... do you wanna come with me?" I asked

She nodded happily and pulled me into a tight hug "I can't wait! We're gonna have so much fun!" She squealed.

I nodded "What time do you want me to grab you?" "Oh uh like 8 is good." She said

"Great! I can't wait to hang with you outside of school." Her smile grew again and she leaned in and kissed my cheek.

I blushed making her giggle like a little school girl. Then she ran off.


Roseanne's POV

Chanyeol and I stepped out the car and walked into my house.

"Hey babydoll!" My dad greeted from the couch. I smiled and walked over to him, leaning down to hug him. "Hi daddy, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, going over my next service." He stood up and hugged Chanyeol "Hey son. Haven't seen you lately."

"I know. My dad has been working me to death for football." My dad smiled "Football was the best. You know I was the star player." He said

"Dad he knows you tell him all the time." I said sitting on the couch. "Don't pay her any mind Mr Park, I love your football stories."

My dad laughed "Great let me tell you about this one time-"

"Before you do sir, I wanted to ask could Rosie accompany me to a party."

I frowned. He hasn't said anything about a party to me.

"A party? Will there be drinking, drugs?" Chanyeol frowned

"Unfortunately it will. But my whole team is required to go and I wanted her to be there with me. Plus we won't drink or anything like that."

My dad hummed and went quiet for a second "I suppose..."

"Yes!" Chanyeol cheered "But be back at 12 and no funny business."

I rolled my eyes I went to my room.

Who said I even wanted to go to a fuc- freaking party. I slammed my door and sat in the edge of my bed.

I hate when they do that. They make up my plans right in front of me for me like I don't exist. Like they own me. We spent 10 minutes in the car and her didn't mention a single word about a party.

Chanyeol walked in my room, closing the door behind him.

"Baby what's wrong?" He asked looking concerned.

"You and my father making my plans for me! I'm not a child Chanyeol and you two treat me like one. It's exhausting!"

He put his hands up in surrender "Ok, ok, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I just thought maybe you'd want to go. I assumed, I shouldn't have done that."

"I-" I took a deep breathe "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped on you like that. Of course I want to go to the party with you. I would love to go with you."

He smiled and sat next to me "Cool, it's gonna be a big party.

The whole team is coming and they probably invited their friends."

"Whatever happens. We'll have fun. Maybe after we can go get ice cream or something." I suggested , "My favorite place?"

I smiled and nodded "Of course babe." "Cool" he said then leaned in pecking my lips.

No spark, no feeling, nothing.

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