Chapter 48

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Lisa's POV

"Hey Lili ! Its been a while huh?" She said awkwardly, smiling at me.

"Chaewon." I mumbled in shock. "Yeah It's me. C-can we talk?" She asked nervously.

"I- yeah. Of- of course." I said stepping aside. She smiled softly and walked past me into the apartment. I became slightly dizzy as her familiar strawberry scent filled my senses.

I closed the door and walked into my old room seeing her sitting on my bed. "I Umm- I know I'm like the last person you would want to see but I couldn't help myself. I- I really wanted to see you." She said then looked at the floor, biting her nail.

I sighed and grabbed the chair next to my desk and placed it right in front of her. I grabbed her hands and held them in mines, softly rubbing my thumbs over her skin. She used to bite her nail when she got anxious and I would hold her hands just how Im doing now and it would calm her.

"You don't need to be nervous Chae. It's okay we can talk." She looked up at me slowly and smiled. "Y-you still haven't changed. You're still you. Sweet and kind." She said as tears filled her eyes.

Tears started to blur my vision too. "Don't forgot incredibly sexy." I said jokingly as my tears started to fall. She laughed and reached up, wiping my tears from my face softly. "Yes that and still very funny. God I missed you." She said sniffling.

"I missed you too." I said smiling weakly. "I came here to tell you how sorry I am. A-about everything. The lying, the threatening you. I- I wasn't in my right mind and I shouldn't have done that."

I nodded "I know princess. I know you didn't mean any of that Okay-" "No! You should be mad at me! I uprooted your whole life off of one lie! Y-you should be yelling and screaming at me! Tell me I'm a bad person! T-tell me you never want to see me again! Tell me you hate me! Just- say something." She yelled as tears started to stream down her cheeks. She stood up and started pacing my small room.

"Hey! Stop! Stop." I said grabbing her, cupping her cheeks. She stopped and cried softly, her eyes shut tight. "I forgive you okay. I do. I love you and that will never change. You will always have me as a friend no matter what you do." I said. "Okay?

She nodded as she sniffled, holding my wrists tightly. I pulled her into me and hugged her tightly. I closed my eyes listening to her cry softly into my neck. I started to comb my fingers through her long dark brown hair.


I woke up and sat up pushing her arm off me. I yawned and stretched before standing up. I walked over to the dresser and grabbed my phone.

"Damn it." I mumbled seeing Rosie had called me and texted me last night.


9:36 pm
Hey you better not forget to call me or I'll beat your ass.

10:13 pm

BangChan is crying in his room because he misses you. 😂

10:48 pm

I really hope you didn't get kidnapped. That would suck, we just started dating. 😔

11:01 pm

Hey I'm gonna go to sleep

12:00 am


I sighed and walked out the room to the bathroom calling her. I frowned as she sent me to voicemail. I rolled my eyes and called her again. When I thought she wasn't going to answer she picked up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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