Chapter 23

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Lisa's POV

She's just ignoring me. Completely. I just want to clear everything up. Not that there's much to clean up. She caught me cheating. I fucked up greatly, yes. BUT I want her to understand that I never meant her any harm.

I would tell her that I had been trying to break up with her for the longest prior to the party but I think that would only make things worse. Considering the fact that I said I love you without saying I love you but at the same time still saying I love you.

This is all my fault though.

I fell under her spell knowing how weak I get. Rosie is my weakness. I hadn't know that I was craving her body until she was right underneath me. Damn it.

She just makes me crazy. It's like she has a certain control over me. I'm like fucking play dough in her hands. I can't explain it.

When she talks to me with that soft velvety voice I tune everything out and listen only to her. Everywhere she touches makes my heart flutter and my skin tingle. No girl makes me feel the way she does, but just as much as I want her, she drives me insane. Why is she so back and forth? One second we're besties and I'll be her maid of honor in her super straight wedding in the future. But then the next thing I know she's trying to fuck me, and then right after she'll pretend like she didn't come on to me or it didn't happen at all.

There's so much good about her but there's just as much bad. Makes me think is she worth it? The last time I had a problematic, toxic relationship, like this one I had to move across the country to some tiny town.

Should I stay away from her? Our relationship is definitely very unhealthy. Not only for me but her too. She needs to figure herself out. I guess it's true what they say, "You can't love others if you don't love yourself."

"What's up with you Lisa?" Someone said breaking my thoughts.

I'm sitting in the basement with all my friends, Palmer included.

I shrugged "Just thinking" I mumbled.

Nayeon frowned "She hasn't called you back huh?" I shook my head in response. "Who hasn't called you back?" Kai asked.

"Jennie. I- I cheated on her and she's ignoring me."

Everybody gasped except Nayeon, I had went to her house that night and told her what happened. I still didn't tell her it was Roseanne though.

"With who?" BangChan asked.

"Doesn't matter"

I heard a scoff from behind me. I frowned and turned around to find Jisoo glaring at me. "What?"

"Nothing. You're just an asshole is all." She said shrugging.

I stood up frowning "Okay what is your problem?"

She started to walk over to me slowly with her arms crossed "Jennie is literally the sweetest girl ever and you broke her heart. How could you do that? Is your life and family that fucked up where you go around hurting people. I mean I shouldn't be surprised though seeing how you would fuck anything that walks. Slut."

 BangChan frowned "Whoa Jisoo calm down. We don't slut shame around here." BangChan said in a joking manner trying to ease the tension in the room, but it didn't work.

"You don't know shit about me Jisoo so fuck you! You don't know what I've gone through or how I was raised so don't go there. And whoever I sleep with is my business and mines only. And your wrong for trying to judge me for how many people I've slept with." I said pointing at her.

"But I can judge you for using that innocent beautiful girl for sex like she's nothing!"

I paused. I see what this is about.

"You like her."

She looked taken back "What?" "I said. You like her. You don't care that I cheated, you care about whol cheat on." She shrugged "Or maybe you're really just a cheated asshole." She mumbled sitting at the table. I walked over and sat next to her.

"I am an asshole. I shouldn't have cheated on her. I-I had been trying to break up with her but things just kept coming up and then the party happened and of course I was caught. That's still no excuse though." I said shaking my head slightly "I didn't want to hurt her. She is innocent and sweet, and she's really beautiful. I just have my own shit I'm going through."

She looked over at me "Like what?"

I smiled sadly "I'm in love with somebody who'll never come to love me back." I said sadly. That was the first time I've said I love her out loud.... and it hurts. I felt hot tears streak down my cheeks.

"I- I never slept with her" I mumbled

"You didn't?"

I shook my head "No. I couldn't"

She hummed "Maybe you aren't a complete asshole. Still a slut thought." She said in a joking manner. I laughed and wiped my tears "Correction, a cheating slut"

She laughed and pushed my shoulder playfully "Shut up"

"Sooo we good?" I asked

She nodded and smiled at me softly "Yeah we're good. I'm sorry I slut shamed you too and I shouldn't have said all that shit about you and your life." I shrugged "You were right though. I can't be mad at you for telling the truth or expressing the way you feel. I did fuck up and now karma is gonna come back one of these days and bite me in the ass." I said the released a sigh.

"Come here" She said holding her arms open. I smiled and pulled her into a tight hug. I heard a loud sob. I frowned and looked over seeing Shane in tears crying into Taehyung's shoulder who rolled his eyes as he patted BangChan's back.

"Ya'll bitches made me fuck up my makeup." he said through a sob making Nayeon laugh.

I pulled out her embrace and rolled my eyes "You don't wear make up."

"Mind your business Lisa." He said seriously then went back to crying.

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