Chapter 1 - The Girl Who had Saved a World

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You promised.

Luna woke up, her heart beating faster than she could ever remember. She had wanted to scream but no sound came out. She looked around, taking in the familiar surroundings of her room.

I'm back home, I'm back home. Take a deep breath.

But as her eyes wandered around the furniture of her own apartment, her heart beat jumped as she thought she had seen Supreme Leviathan standing in the corner of her room.

Luna instinctively grabbed at the air, making her Millennium Rod materialize with a golden sparkle, and pointed it towards the same corner of her room. But the last, fearsome form that her friend Jaden had taken back in the other world, was nowhere to be found.

Her hand was trembling as she tried to control her ragged breathing. But the harder she tried, the more vivid Jaden's face seemed to appear in her mind.

"Why can't you just let me be, Jay?" Luna asked weakly as she closed her eyes and clenched her fists.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five...

Her breathing mostly normalized enough for her to risk opening her eyes again. She licked her upper lip and looked around once again.

Every night it was a different friend she had failed to save. Marik, Joey, Atem, and Jaden. It was like they were taking turns, making sure she would never forget them. Every night, she would relive their last moments. But every night, it was just as difficult as the first time.

She quickly darted to her bathroom just as she had done hundreds of nights before. She splashed her face with cold water, the motion just a second nature to her now. Her breathing slowed as the cold water cooled her off. Looking up at the mirror, she saw her red hair, damp from her own perspiration.

She had dyed it red after her trip to the other world had left her hair white as snow. You'd think she would have gotten a better souvenir for saving an entire universe.

Instead, I got a one way ticket to dye your hair every month or two -town.

As her heartrate also slowed down, Luna took a deep breath before noticing her Millennium Rod was no longer in her hand.

I guess I got a big pile of PTSD as well. Just what every girl wants.

She hesitantly made that same grabbing motion with her hand, but nothing happened.

And a magic stick that I can't seem to control.

Being a hero was not like in the anime and movies. Sure, she had gotten what she had thought was her happy ending. And for a while, she really had. She had saved the day, she had made it back safe, and against all odds she had gotten her prince.

And they really were happy. She didn't even have these nightmares back then. Showing Seto her world was an experience like no other and it had felt so right. It helped that he wanted to see everything and take all of it in.

But that wasn't enough. Not for the great Seto Kaiba.

He was an ambitious man even before everything, but now that he had the ability to travel between worlds, not even the skies were a limit.

To his credit, she could see the effort he was making to simply be there with her. At least for the first month or so anyway. She would catch his gaze drifting whenever he saw something that was very different from his world. She could practically hear the cogs in his head rolling, and she knew he was wondering how the other worlds would be different.

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