Chapter 27 - Fighting the Yakshas

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"Aw, why the sudden gloomy face, kid?" The fiery woman asked as she stepped towards Luna. "Feeling outnumbered?"

"Naw, just a little sad to have to shove my foot up the ass of a bitch whose name I don't even know." Luna said.

"Crass." The woman said without any change in facial expression. "But if that's all you are sad about, sugar, then my name is Indarias of the Yakshas. General Musatas.

"Come to think of it, I do know you." Luna said, putting on a smile with effort. "You are the crazy bitch that offed herself after going insane."

Indarias's eyebrows twitched for a fraction of a second.

"What is this nonsense you speak of?" She asked putting out her open palm towards somewhere beside Luna.

Luna turned and realized the man in brown and gold clothes, whom Luna had thought was Morax, was standing there.

"Well, y'all might have heard of me in school." She said, trying her best not to look nervous. "I'm what they call a traveler. I'm from another world. And in there, you, Yakshas are all dead save Xiao. I don't even remember your name, big guy."

"Menogias of the Yakshas. General Kapisas." The Geo Yaksha answered readily as he physically looked down on Luna.

"Ah right. You and the Hydro Yaksha, Bonanus. I remember her name because it sounded like Bananas." Luna kept talking, trying to buy herself more time for Yuna and Vennessa to get to her. "Yeah, y'all kill each other when you went insane."

Menogias turned to look at Indarias for a moment before turning back to Luna. "Why would we ever do that?"

"You see, there's this thing called Karmic Debt. Maybe you have heard of it. The more you kill, even if only demons, it takes a toll on your mind. So you Yakshas in the Teyvat that I know, died saving that universe. Because that was your calling, to keep the world safe, whatever it took." Luna said before letting out a deep breath. "Seeing as you are all alive here, I'm guessing none of y'all did your jobs in here. Just slacked off a ton and lived greedy little self-centered lives, am I wrong?"

"Or maybe the Yakshas in your world were simply weaker." A big four armed man with short purple hair spoke as he came out of the shadows. "You mentioned a Xiao. That is Alatus. The best of us. And if he survived, it is perhaps a question of power. Maybe we are simply that much better than the Yakshas in your world."

The man suggested as he lifted an eyebrow, his stance casual despite the threat his presence exuded.

"Could be." Luna admitted, thinking that if there was one Yaksha she should be wary of, it was him. "You are Bosacius."

The four armed Electro Yaksha put a hand to his chest and bowed his head slightly.

"Marshal Vritas." Bosacius added, politely unlike the other two Yakshas.

"I remember your name because you indeed was the strongest aside from Xiao." Luna couldn't help but think it was cool to meet this character in real life, despite the circumstances. "Despite losing your sanity just like the others, despite even forgetting who you were, you still fought until the very end to protect Liyue. You died in battle as an unnamed Yaksha."

"Why are we listening to her?" Menogias asked as his hands gave off a yellow glow. "For all we know, she is just a mortal trying to buy time."

"Her battle instincts are sharp." Bosacius seemingly talked to Menogias despite not taking his eyes off of Luna. "And the way she uses Pyro is like nothing I've seen before. From another world, if you will. I am inclined to believe her story."

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