Chapter 12 - Into the Fire

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"Did you miss me?" Yami Luna asked before turning back to face Diluc.

"You massive bitch!" Luna suddenly yelled. "You were alive this whole time?"

That had made Yami Luna turn back to her real quick with an expression of disbelief.

"Wow, dude. I come back after all this time, and this is the welcome I get?" Yami Luna demanded. "A Thank you for saving my life, cool Luna. Would be nice, ya dick!"

"Saving my life?" Luna got up and moved her arms around and then her legs. She still felt weak, but at least she could move now. "You were the one keeping me from moving, weren't you?"

A purple flaming slash cut through the air. Yami Luna let go of her swords, making them blink out of existence, and dashed back and carry Luna out of harm's way and set her down some distance away.

"How's that?" Yami Luna asked with a cheeky smile.

"I mean, I can move now, dude." Luna said despite being genuinely happy to see her other half face to face like this.

"I don't know what is going on, but this just proves to me you are no mortal." Diluc stated loudly, grabbing the attention of both Lunas. "One, two or even Seven, bring them all, I will take you all down!"

"You ain't got, what it takes, pretty bo-" Yami Luna was saying when Diluc charged up his dark flames with a shout and shot forth another dark flaming eagle in their direction.

"He's kind of rude, huh?" Yami Luna said, looking over at Luna and pointing over her shoulder with her thumb.

"Pay attention, he's powerful!" Luna said, putting a hand on Yami Luna's shoulder and turning her back around.

"Pfft." Yami Luna scoffed as she placed her left hand on her right shoulder and aimed at the dark flaming eagle with her right palm. "Cool off."

A giant ball of black liquid exploded from Yami Luna's hand, shooting forth so quickly that it exploded onto Diluc's eagle almost immediately. A dense black smoke erupted from the collision, but the eagle could be seen no more.

"You don't have to worry anymore." Yami Luna told Luna, seemingly light hearted. "You have no idea how much stronger I've become since the last time we saw each other."

Luna wondered if Yami Luna was responsible for the growing darkness inside of her.

For a second, Luna had thought she had seen- no, more like felt, something stirring in the dense smoke that Yami Luna's attack had caused. But as if answering her suspicions, Diluc shot out of the smoke brandishing his blade in a quick spin as he repeatedly slashed at Yami Luna.

Luna didn't even have time to warn her darker half, but the black haired Luna had already brought her twin swords back and was blocking and deflecting every attack that Diluc could dish out.

"Didn't you want us to witness your resolve?" Yami Luna laughed as she seemingly had no issue at all with Diluc's attacks. "Well, where is it? Show it to me, big boy!"

Diluc blasted her with a dark fireball as he put some distance between them before he shouted once again. The flames on his eyes and sword intensified, flames even appeared from his wrists and ankles.

"Archon or not, you have never gone against the Abyss!" Diluc yelled as the veins on his face grew darker in tone. "And through this Abyss I will bring all of you down!"

With that, Diluc went into a half crouch just as Luna had seen before. She knew he was going to launch himself at Yami Luna with amazing power and speed.

My Time in Teyvat [Tales of Luna, Book 2]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon