Chapter 16 - Those Born and Made

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Yuji moved a leaf out of her hair and stretched her arms as she took a deep breath of fresh air. Turning around, she saw that the entrance of the tunnel, out of which they had just come out, was quite hidden by bushes and trees.

It had felt like they had been walking for an eternity, but it was great to finally be able to smell the overworld once again.

She turned towards Yuna and saw that the black haired Luna was staring at the starry sky. It still felt a bit eerie to see Yuna. Yuji still couldn't really wrap her head around the fact that this person standing in front of her was someone created from the darkness inside of her best friend. It didn't help that both Lunas shared the same face, but Yuji tried to just think of them as twins.

"The moon and stars aren't moving." Yuna stated, sounding almost angry.

"What do you mean? Of course they aren't moving." Tartaglia said with a laugh, to which Yuna glared.

"Did they move where you are from?" Yuji asked as she looked up at the unmoving sky, wondering if everything about the other worlds were different from Teyvat.

"Yeah. I mean, at least they did in Luna's world." Yuna said, her expression softening a bit.

"Excuse my interrupting." Albedo suddenly spoke up. "But my curiosity is becoming almost too much to bear. I was informed you have come out of the one we call Luna. Is this true?"

"Oh here we fucking go." Yuna threw her arms up. "What? Are you turned on by weird shit like that, you fucking weirdo?"

Albedo seemed amazed.

"It is astounding how different your personality and presence is to that of Luna's." Albedo said as he pulled out a pouch but seemed to consider if he should open it or not. "Would you happen to know if you are a fragment of Luna's being that has taken conscience, or were you created and given life by outside forces?"

Yuna stared at him for a second, the corner of her mouth twitching a bit.

"What the fuck are you talking about, dude?" Yuna's angry tone came back to her before she pointed at her own face. "You may not be able to see because its dark, but this is the face I make before I start throwing punches."

"I am able to see perfectly well in the darkness." He stated, still fiddling with the pouch in his hands. "You see, I too was created, albeit in a more traditional sense. Much like our friend, Yuji here."

"What?" Yuji asked, suddenly confused. "Is that why I can see in the dark too?"

"Don't listen to him. Seeing in the dark doesn't have to mean anything. I wasn't made by any forces, I am Darkness personified." Yuna said as she put a hand on Yuji's back and gently nudged her to keep walking. "We can see in the dark because we are badass, and that's all there is to it."

"Wait, you can all see in the dark?" Tartaglia asked. "Was I the only one stumbling in the cave back there?"

"No, Yuji has specific traces of alchemy with an almost untraceable neutral archon energy emanating from her." Albedo said, seemingly ignoring Tartaglia. "It's what I have come to call, the Creation energy. Though I admit, whoever or whatever made her seems to have a much tighter grasp of Creation energy than my maker."

Yuji's heart beat faster wondering what all of that meant.

"That's enough of that bullshit." Yuna said.

"They must have had innumerous experience in creating life before they made her." Albedo continued as if talking simply to himself. "It would have gone completely unnoticed by anyone, but as so happens, I have devoted my entire life to studying myself and trying to find others, like myse-"

My Time in Teyvat [Tales of Luna, Book 2]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz