Chapter 42 - The Guardian and the Bettle

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"Kuni, are you awake?" Yuji asked in a whisper, knowing he was awake but wondering if he would answer her this time. "I gotta go run an errand for- for her. But I'll be back, before lunch, okay?"

Scaramouche had gone into a depressive state after he had shown her the gnosis. Yuji figured he was having an internal conflict regarding his maker. His entire life he had been planning to steal her gnosis to become powerful enough to destroy her. But having her give it willingly to him, probably had him having second thoughts.

And despite Yuji having told him that she would support him no matter what he chose, she also spent more time with the Raiden Shogun and began to create a bond of her own with her.

In fact, Yuji hoped Scaramouche could come around and that they could start living like a family.

As she walked out into the garden, she clicked her tongue twice.

She felt something heavy attaching itself to her back despite not hearing anything aside from the swaying leaves and grass.

Still sulking? Mr. Bug asked.

"Yeah. Poor guy." Yuji said as she charged Electro energy into her feet before releasing them as she jumped, high enough to go over the tall walls of the fortress.

So where are we going today?

"Apparently there is some commotion going on in a village near by." Yuji passed on the little bit of information she remembered from what Yae Miko had told her while she ate. "I'm to keep the Shogun's peace."

So oppressing the masses, is it?

"What? No!" Yuji said suddenly unsure. "Someone is causing trouble!"

And does it not make you wonder why they are causing trouble?

"Well, I'll ask once we get there." Yuji said, making a mental note.

But when she got there, the situation was entirely different than what she had in her mind. A fire tornado was devastating the entire village.

That is some commotion!

Yuji quickly looked around trying to assess the situation. She smelled smoke, burnt wood, even burnt flesh. But it was the screams that she heard that made her spring into action. Running right through the fiery tornado, Yuji used her Geo energy to make a barrier in hopes to stop the momentum of the tornado.

"It's not working!" Yuji yelled mostly to herself out of frustration.

Well yeah! Look at the size of that tornado! You will need something bigger!


Yuji instinctively gathered her Electro energy inside of her chest and burst it with a roar to make her astral lion dog appear. Then, gathering Geo energy into the hands of the lion dog, Yuji burst that as well to make a sort of force field around the tornado, slowly making it dissipate.

You have an astral form! I- I think I love you.

When she undid her geo, she noticed a man with burnt clothes looking desperately around him as guards donning the Electro symbol on their chest armor, slowly surrounded him.

"Hey! Hi." Yuji said as she approached. "What's going on?"

"Why did you stop me?" The burnt man demanded from Yuji as he kept backing up from the guards. "You just killed me!"

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