Chapter 34 - The Dragon that is Rex Lapis

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Luna found herself holding her breath. Were the Archons turning on themselves like Barbatos had insinuated?

A chill went down her spine as Luna considered the alternative that there was something out there stronger than the Archons, hunting them down.

"What do we do?" Barbatos asked, seemingly terrified.

"You go back to fulfilling your contract." Rex Lapis said as the earth itself opened up for him. "I will ask around and see what's going on."

With that, Rex Lapis took a step forward, off of his floating throne, plummeting down towards the opening in the ground he had made.

That's when Luna saw a flash of pink.

"Yuji, no!" She yelled, launching herself towards them before the last syllable even left her mouth.

But Rex Lapis stopped falling immediately while putting his hand out casually, stopping Yuji mid air.

"Cute." Rex Lapis said, seemingly bored. "But stupid of you to attack the Geo Archon while clad in Geo armor."

"I will make every single one of you pay!" Yuji's scream was full of hatred and pain. "I will kill every last one of you!"

Luna sped up as she felt like she was somehow harnessing Yuji's anger and hatred. She swung her spear in a wide arc but Rex Lapis moved his head last second, his hood getting shredded by the sheer power of Luna's swing.

What the-

That's when she noticed.

The face that stared back at her was not that of Zhongli.

Luna quickly shot a fire blast at him, making him retract his arm, freeing Yuji from his control.

"Who are you? You are not Morax!" Luna demanded.

"Morax?" The supposed Geo Archon chuckled. "How do you know Morax, little godling?"

She knew that malefic smile, that glint of hatred as he mentioned the name Morax. But she couldn't pin point from where she knew.

"I knew Zhongli could never be so cruel and unfair. You are just a pretender!" Luna said, risking a quick glance at Yuji, who had fallen back down to the ground but was already half crouched, ready to attack again.

"Pretender?" This Geo Archon laughed maliciously. "No, no! I fulfilled my contract then challenged Morax to a battle for the seat of Archon and the title of Rex Lapis! I was worthy! Me! Forged of elemental crystal, bearer of the weight and memories of the earth, older than the mountains and the oceans that decides! I could not swear allegiance to that insect again!"

Oh no.

"You're Azhdaha." Luna realized out loud.

"So you do know me." He smiled before he seemingly exploded into a bright yellow light.

Luna quickly backed away, realizing Azhdaha had become the huge wingless dragon that she was familiar with.

Giant spikes of Geo formed around Azhdaha.

Not this again.

The giant toadlike dragon roared, shooting the Geo spikes in every direction. Luna started to dodge them as she noticed dark blue tendrils weaving through the spikes. She glanced towards Barbatos and found him shooting a tornado towards a bright white flame, which she assumed was Diluc.

Pain shot up from her leg and shoulder when she tried to flare her wings, making her realize that Barbatos's arrows were still sticking out from her.

Yuji, I need you.

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