Chapter 30 - Old Faces Seen Anew

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Luna opened her eyes to see the cavernous ceiling of the Underground. It would seem she had passed out while-

Diluc, Yuji!

Before she could even think to get up, a hand was placed on her chest just as Barbara's face came into view.

"You know, it feels like yesterday that I healed your broken arm." Barbara said with am exagerated deep sigh. "And now look at you. I'm not sure there was anything that wasn't broken when Albedo brought you back."

"Why does it still feel like I'm dying?" Luna asked with a groan.

"I mean, I did mend all of your fractured and shattered bones. The cuts and bruises have also been healed." Barbara said as she helped Luna sit up. "But it looks like you pushed your muscles to their limit. What you are feeling is probably the soreness of muscle growth."

"Where's Albedo?" Luna asked, wondering how long she had been unconscious.

"Eula took him with her to check the surface." Barbara said patiently. "Apparently there are Liyue gods up there wreaking havoc. They said the Church of Favonius is no longer, but that can't be right, yeah?"

Luna pursed her lips remembering how involved Barbara was with the Church.

"Sorry, kiddo." Luna said as she effortfully raised her hand and gave Barbara's shoulder a little squeeze. "It was either Morax or Menogias. Both are deities that control Geo."

Barbara nodded quietly.

"I have to get back there." Luna said as she tried to get up. "Diluc and Yuji are outnumbered and Diluc doesn't even have his Pyro fully back yet."

"I would say you must rest." Barbara said helping Luna stand up. "But seeing as there may not be a Mondstadt left soon. I will come with you."

Yuna? How are you holding up?

Luna waited for a bit, hoping her other half was doing okay though knowing Xiao was probably going to be as strong as an Archon.

But when no answer came, she suddenly got worried.

"I can't get through to Yuna." Luna mentioned, wondering who else was fighting in the surface.

"I told you, you can't hide from me." Someone said, making both Luna and Barbara turn around.

Luna's heart dropped as she came face to face with a cyan glowing demon mask.

"Xiao." Luna said in recognition.

He already had his iconic Primordial Jade Winged-Spear in hand, but he seemed to hesitate.

"You are not the one I was chasing." He suddenly concluded, though not backing away. "The other one was full of darkness. But you are both light and dark. And yet, you both wear the same face."

Luna slowly stood in front of Barbara.

"Xiao." Luna said once again after she collected her thoughts a bit. "Deep inside, you must know that the tyranny of the Archons is wrong."

"What Rex Lapis desires, transcends the understanding of mortals and even that of lesser deities." Xiao replied, indifferent. "It is not our place to question, but to obey."

"Archons are no more special than the rest of us. They are just given more responsibility because of their greater power, but that just means they must be held accountable for it." Luna continued.

"I have slain many for much less." Xiao said, pointing the tip of his spear towards Luna. "But why do I feel compelled to listen to you? Who are you?"

"You simply cannot reason with dogs of the Archons." Someone said, passing by Luna before she had time to think of how to respond.

My Time in Teyvat [Tales of Luna, Book 2]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora