Chapter 14 - The Man whose Time didn't Stop

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"By pocket dimension, do you mean like the one we find ourselves in right now?" Kaeya asked as he gestured at his surroundings.

Yuna immediately made her swords appear with quick golden sparkle.

"How did you get in here?" Luna asked, both impressed and somewhat worried.

Kaeya smiled and pointed at his eyepatch with two fingers as Luna had seen him do before.

"Suddenly everyone stopped moving and I saw a golden door." He said as he crossed his arms while donning a lazy smile. "Not sure what I expected to see, but I figured it had something to do with you."

Whether he meant her in specific or all three of them, Luna wasn't sure.

"You mentioned the Planes of Euthymia." Kaeya casually continued as he started walking around the throne room as if visiting a friend's house. "We've only ever heard stories about it and how Raiden Shogun won entire wars through it. Now you tell me that Murata, not only contacted you, but also has something similar."

He then gestured with his hands around at the throne room again.

"So are you an Archon?" He asked, though not seeming too worried.

Luna would have answered no in a heartbeat, but that was before she saw the recognition on Murata's face.

"I don't know." She answered honestly. "As you know, I travel between worlds. And in the world I was in before, I discovered that I've had multiple past lives. One of which was deeply linked to that particular world. And though I'm not certain, I've always wondered if that was the reason I was able to go to that world."

"And if that holds true, you wonder if one your previous lives had anything to do with Teryvat for you to be here." Kaeya understood where Luna was getting at.

"The only thing is, I have no recollection of any of my previous lives." Luna explained.

"Yeah, so it doesn't matter because it doesn't affect any of us." Yuna said, putting a foot down towards Kaeya, who showed his open palms to her with a smile.

"I do believe you." Kaeya said as he tested one of the pillars with his hand before leaning his shoulder on it. "Now, to what really worries me. You said Murata had taken control of my brother."

He paused for a moment as if mulling the next sentence over a bit.

"Do you think she could look into his mind? Or see what he saw?"

"You are wondering if the Underground is compromised." Luna guessed, to which Kaeya nodded.

"Well, I'm not completely certain, and I realize I say that a lot." Luna swallowed before continuing. "But she didn't seem anything like Barbatos. He felt full of malice, like he wanted to destroy the world and anyone in it. But Murata looked- amused at best? Amused that Diluc and I disturbed her slumber maybe. She didn't once make a threatening move or say anything that made me wonder if I was in danger. And she called me Elle, I think. Does that name ring any bells for you? Like a previous Archon or someone that had something to do with an Archon?"

Kaeya's eye seemed to grow distant but he shook his head.

"The name doesn't ring any bells." He said before his eye focused back on Luna. "But Murata really isn't like the other Archons. She hadn't been seen for millennia, and if that is the original Murata, then as far as we know, she is the oldest of all Archons. Perhaps the oldest being in Teyvat still alive."

"Even older than Morax?" Luna asked.

"Well, Morax isn't even the original Geo Archon."

He's not?

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