Chapter 25 - The Attack on Mondstadt

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Luna and Vennessa were approaching Mondstadt when Vennessa put her hand out towards the city.

"I sense a barrier that I cannot cross."

"Oh, that's right, that's the Shield." Luna remembered. "It was put in place to keep Barbatos out."

"And who could have such power to keep an Archon out?" Vennessa asked, making Luna question it for a moment.

"I don't know." Luna admitted. "I know it was the Fatui that put it in place in agreement with the Knights of Favonius. But that's all I know."

Vennessa seemed to consider this.

"You don't think that's strange?" The minor goddess asked. "Either this is the strongest magic we have laid out eyes upon, or someone out there is strong enough to keep an Archon out, remotely. Where are they and what are they doing now?"

Luna didn't like where these questions were leading her thoughts. But she knew the Fatui were not to be trusted in Genshin Impact, and started to wonder if that was the case here as well.

"Either way, it doesn't look like the attack has started yet." Vennessa said, not looking any less alert. "Should we let the knights know somehow?"

"Yeah." Luna agreed, but wondered how Morax was going to get there. "But Morax has a dragon form. The Rex Lapis. He might come by air."

"Not to mention the Adepti under his control can travel by air as well." Vennessa seemed familiar with the Adepti of Liyue.

"Maybe you keep watch here from the air and I will go inform the Knights." Luna suggested.

"You can pass the barrier?" Vennessa seemed surprised. "But you are a deity like the rest of us."

"I-" Luna remembered that it stung going through the barrier, but it hadn't stopped her or even felt like physical resistance to her presence. "I guess I'm not a full deity."

"With the power level you displayed back there?" Vennessa scoffed with an uneasy smile. "I'd say you are more of a deity than any of the four Winds."

"I can't maintain it."

"Yet." Vennessa said, her eye fixated on Luna. "I recall you saying that you were still learning."

Luna wondered if Vennessa was implying something.

"I am." She said starting to question whether she should be worried about Vennessa after all.

"Well, you better get going." Vennessa said, her eyes unwavering.

Luna nodded.

"Be careful out here." She told Vennessa, who smiled at her.

"I may not have a golden dragon deity in my pocket, but I can still hold my own in a fight." The minor deity replied. "However, your sentiment is appreciated."

With a nod, Luna descended onto Mondstadt, feeling that same stinging feeling as if every cell in her body had been zapped. Their floating presence above Mondstadt had apparently been noted, as Kaeya, Rosaria and Amber were standing out in the open, staring as Luna descended.

"We need to get ready, another Archon is coming." Luna quickly said even before she landed. "Barbatos may be close around as well."

"I just heard the basics from Diluc." Kaeya said looking worried. "But quick question, is that- is that the Falcon?"

"Yes, that is Vennessa, the first Dandelion Knight." Luna tried to say casually. "She stands with us against the Archons."

At that, Kaeya and Rosaria took a quick glance up towards Vennessa while Amber simply looked relieved.

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