Chapter 26 - The Old Gang

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The hole that was left behind by the Church of Favonius was glowing a dim yellow light. Luna was certain that someone used Geo to sink the church. But she still hoped it was not Zhongli, one of her favorite characters in Genshin Impact.

"Luna!" Yuna yelled.

Yuna's warning made Luna fly diagonally upwards, feeling the searing heat from Moon Carver's light beam mere inches from her. She couldn't help but miss her speed from when she was wearing her Blue-Eyes armor or even just from riding her Blue-Eyes Alternative Dragon. (Events from Book I.)

"Fuck!" Luna yelled in frustration just before Vennessa got between Luna and the Adepti and clapped her hands with her arms out stretched, causing a giant explosion.

"Go!" Vennessa sounded almost desperate. "If that is Morax down there, Mondstadt won't last long. Show them that there are good gods!"

It didn't feel right being called a god. She was still trying to get used to the idea of being an immortal soul, and god didn't sound right at all to her. But as this was no time to be arguing, Luna simply nodded.

Help Vennessa with the Adepti!

She projected her thought to Yuna as she started to descend towards Mondstadt once again.

Nuh uh! You have clearly gone insane if you think I am going to let you face Zhongli alone!

Finish the Adepti quickly then! She won't stand a chance on her own!

Nor will you, you dumb bitch! Stop being so stubborn for one second!

There was no malice in Yuna's thoughts, but it still pissed Luna off.

Stop calling me that and fucking think! Vennessa is literally the only good deity we have come across here and we need to save the world we are in, in order to leave it.

Luna's thoughts raced as she projected them to Yuna just as she felt the sting of the invisible barrier around Mondstadt.

Even if we were to kill all the evil Archons, what then? Leave the Fatui to take over the world? We need a good deity to take charge. We need Vennessa.

Luna passed through the large hole on the ground as the yellow glow washed over her.

So fucking help her deal with the Adepti quickly and then come help me!

Despite her words, Luna was absolutely terrified to go in alone.

Just don't take too long, yeah?

I won't. Yuna assured her, all of her usual anger gone. Just stay alive.

And despite knowing she could count on Yuna, Luna wasn't so sure about her own abilities when facing against Morax. She had done basically no damage do Barbatos who was two Winds down. She couldn't imagine how much stronger a full powered Zhongli would be like.

It took her eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness, and she could already hear explosions happening high above her.

She blinked a few times and saw clouds of smoke and debris everywhere. She heard the screams of the people before she could see them. And as she descended further, she could see Kaeya standing on one of the broken towers of the now decimated Church of Favonius.

"You got here quickly." Luna observed out loud, landing beside Kaeya as she scanned their surroundings, now seeing people running rampart trying to get back up into the surface.

"With a title like Acting Grandmaster, I really got not choice." Kaeya laughed, though she could feel the anger laced around his voice. "Amber and Rosaria should already be trying to direct people to a safer location here in the Underground. But the idea of Morax attacking us here, is making everyone scared."

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