Chapter 18 - The One who Runs with Wolves

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"Stop fucken running!" Yuji heard Yuna yell as three giant arrows of ice flew through the forest, missing the hooded figure by mere centimeters.

The group continued to run as fast as they could to catch up. The arrows liquefied as Yuna passed by them, seemingly being absorbed by the Black haired Luna.

"It would seem Razor is much faster than any of us." Albedo said, his voice unaltered by the physical exertion of sprinting through a forest. "We will never catch him this way."

"I have a feeling he is going to stop soon. He isn't running, he is leading." Tartaglia said before jumping forward and shooting an arrow towards the hooded figure. "Got one."

Yuji wondered what he meant, but quickly came across the body of a wolf with an arrow through the back of the skull. Tartaglia's aim sure was impressive, but she couldn't help but feel sorry for the wolf.

Yuji quickly made her light map materialize and saw that they were running towards a circle on the map.

"I think there's maybe a structure up ahead!" Yuji yelled, hoping the others could hear her.

"It's the trial site. I remember from when Luna played through those weekly bosses." Yuna said, making Yuji wonder what any of that meant. "Get ready!"

As if on cue, the hooded figure stopped running and turned around, right as he got to the very middle of stone arena.

Yuji felt a sudden imminent danger, making her instinctively jump to the side as she saw Tartaglia and Yuna do the same. Albedo, however, stood still. Nothing seemed to have happened at first, but the wind blew and suddenly there were hundreds of wolves surrounding the group just at the edge of the stone arena, their fur swaying like a sea of grass.

"Y'all deal with the wolves, I'm going in for that robed fucker." Yuna said, jumping over the wolves as she dashed towards the robed figure, not waiting for a response from her team mates.

"Yun-" Tartaglia yelled before being cut off by the wolves, who decided it was their moment to attack.

Albedo grabbed his sword out of thin air as he slashed, all in a single fluid motion. Yuji made her heart stone appear as she channeled her Electro through it and shot a bolt of lightning through a dozen or so wolves, scorching them in an instant.

Yuji saw Tartaglia shoot three arrows at once before splitting his bow in two as each half became his swords once again. The Eleventh Harbinger caused a flurry of cuts to dispatch of several of the wolves, which seemingly came after them endlessly. She couldn't see Yuna through all that chaos and tried to make her way to her friend when she heard a loud howl which seemed to make her very being tremble.

"Andrius is nearby!" Albedo yelled as he slashed through another wolf. "We are getting overrun!"

"Can you see Yuna?" Yuji asked Albedo just as she focused her Electro energy onto her heart stone before she sent it spinning around them.

As her heart stone flew around them, Yuji made it shoot another bolt of lightning, clearing the area around them of enemies.

"I don't see her, but I do sense her." Albedo said as he slammed his hand onto the ground, making a big flower sprout diagonally where he had struck. "Get on it, it will launch you towards Yuna."

Yuji stepped on the flower despite not understanding completely what he meant. As she stepped on it, it immediately pushed her towards the direction it was pointing at, launching Yuji up into the air towards where she could now see Yuna freezing everything around her.

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