Chapter 28 - Masks On!

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Yuji's heart was racing, she had smelled Luna deep underground on her own. She was glad she had instinctively grabbed Albedo to carry him on her side like she had done with Luna, and taken him deep within the underground.

Albedo had been able to move the rocks and dirt with his Geo powers quite quickly and they reached Luna in no time, just to find her pinned against three foes. It hurt her to see her friend there fighting all alone, it made her desperate.

"Pink Lightning!" She had yelled with all of her being to stop the big four armed man from bullying her dearest friend further.

Her pink lightning had ripped through the air, somehow absorbing the purple lightning cage around them before it struck the large four armed man square in the chest, sending him flying to and through one of the cavern walls.

The other two foes now simply stood and watched Yuji, their mouths parted.

"Luna are you okay?" Yuji asked as she set Albedo down. "Can you take on the yellow Geo guy?"

Albedo dusted his coat with his hands before turning his analytical gaze towards the man in brown and yellow clothes.

"Watch out, Yuji." Luna said sounding both hurt and exhausted. "These guys are strong- they- they play unfair."

How dare they? Yuji was fuming at the thought of those three ganging up on Luna.

"How are the others? Are they okay?" Luna asked, still not getting up from the ground.

"Yeah, they are okay, I came running as fast as I could when I caught your scent." Yuji said, still worried about Luna not getting up. "What about you? Are you okay? Can you get up?"

"I-" Luna seemed to hesitate. "I don't think I can get up."

"Surely, that was a lucky shot." The woman in the fiery outfit suddenly spoke out. "There is no way that little grotesquely pink thing just sent Bosacius out like that."

"Focus, Indarias." The man in brown and yellow said. "This one does not feel like a common opponent either."

"Definitely not a commoner." The four armed man reemerged from the hole he had left behind on the cavern wall. His face looked burnt, making Yuji wonder if that was thanks to Luna. "That was still a cheap shot, though."

"As cheap as going three on one?" Yuji asked as she charged both of her feet and hands with her Electro energy. "You are not gods, you are just disgusting little cowards."

The woman, whose name was apparently Indarias, laughed.

"You are way in over your head, little girl." Indarias said as she made her own hands catch on fire. "It's still three on two."

"That's no problem for us." Someone said from behind Yuji.

Turning around, Yuji saw Diluc, his outfit still pristinely black and red despite coming out of the makeshift narrow tunnels that Albedo had quickly made.

"Albedo, take Luna to Barbara." Diluc said as he started to unbutton his suit jacket.

"You will need all the help you can in this fight." Luna said weakly from the ground.

"Now, Albedo!" Diluc commanded as he adjusted his gloves.

Albedo seemed to consider this for a moment before nodding and moving towards Luna.

"As if I would let that happen!" Indarias yelled as she dashed towards Albedo with a flaming blade forming from her wrist.

Yuji didn't see when it had happened but Diluc was suddenly by Indaria, holding onto her wrist. Indaria's expression looked as surprised as Yuji had felt. But before Indarias had time to do anything about it, Diluc flung her away from Albedo and Luna.

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