Chapter 17 - The Dragonspine

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Luna took a deep breath as she felt the energy leaving her as the golden light streamed into Diluc's Vision. She didn't do it enough to get tired from it, but enough to feel that she had used a decent amount of said energy.

But looking at the Vision, the color didn't seem to have changed at all, still a very weak sort of whitish yellow.

"Sorry, I think that's it for now." She said as she handed it back to Diluc, his eyes darting away when their gazes met.

Was he staring at me?

"No, I should be thanking you." Diluc said as he received it and looked at it for a moment. "I can definitely feel the difference even just from the touch."

"If you say so." Luna smiled as she stood up, making Barbara stand up beside her as well. "We should get going though, the others are probably well on their way."

They were still at the exit of their side of the tunnel, as Luna had wanted to do this light emitting energy transfer before they went out in the open.

"Knowing Albedo, they are probably stopping every other step so he can check something out." Barbara laughed.

"Somehow I feel like he is walking alongside what he wants to inspect the most." Luna said, remembering the way he was watching Yuji before.

I will have to check in on them soon.

As they walked out of the tunnel, Luna noticed the moon and stars. She vaguely remembered that the sky was supposedly fake in Genshin Impact, and wondered if it was the case here.

"Does the moon change here?" Luna asked out loud before looking back down just in time to see Diluc looking away once again.

"Not since two out of three Moon Sisters have perished." Barbara responded as they continued to walk. "They used to take turns appearing in the night sky, but now only the lone sister stands."

That's right.

She remembered that story, though vaguely. But when she looked at Barbara to ask more about it, she realized that the girl seemed uneasy. The little deaconess was chewing on her lip as she picked on her thumb.

"Hey, are you okay?" Luna asked her.

Barbara seemed startled by the question but nodded.

"You volunteered to go so that you could see whether what's in Dragonspine is your sister?" Luna guessed out loud.

Barbara looked surprised for a moment before regaining her composure.

"They said you knew a lot about us. I guess you know about Jean and I." Barbara didn't seem mad, maybe just relieved.

"Yeah, sorry." Luna apologized, wondering if Barbara was actively keeping that a secret.

The deaconess let out an uneasy laughter.

"I can't make up my mind about whether I hope to find her there or not." She said as Luna saw something sparkle in her eye.

Luna understood what she was feeling.

If we find Jean frozen there, it would mean that perhaps she didn't stay away out of her own volition. But it also mean she is indeed a Wind and the other Knights will try to kill her.

"I too had someone dear to me go missing." Luna said, opening up. "He left years ago and I still hope I will find him. I think it's how I ended up in this world too, but to leave any world I find myself in, I have to save it to be able to leave."

"I guess we all have our reasons." Barbara said with a sad smile. "But I'm glad to know we are more alike than I thought, traveler."

Luna gave Barbara's shoulder a little squeeze. She remembered that Eula had said that she had been guarding whatever it was in Dragonspine since before Jean had left. So chances were, that it couldn't be Jean. But whether they would have to fight Jean eventually, she couldn't say.

My Time in Teyvat [Tales of Luna, Book 2]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz