Chapter 6 - The Two Fatui Harbingers

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Luna was about to ask them about Jean when she felt a strong presence. Her initial reaction was to think that Barbatos had found them again, but Tartaglia looked relieved as he turned around with a smile.

"Ah, finally." Tartaglia said as he opened his arms, seemingly waiting for an embrace.

Luna was wondering what was going on when a red haired, tall man fell from the skies and landed beside Tartaglia, just outside of his arm's reach.

"Why are you still straggling here?" The man said as he stood up straighter, revealing a beaked mask on his face. "I made it clear that you were to take out the dragon and to get everyone out of here."

Despite the mask and the different outfit with a bit more flair, Luna knew exactly who this man, who exuded an impressive aura, was. He was none other than Diluc.

"Is that any way to greet your brothers, Il Fenice?" Tartaglia laughed as he put a hand up for, what Luna assumed would be, a high five.

"You are not my brother." Diluc said as he ignored Tartaglia's upright hand and pointed to Kaeya. "My brother is right here, and I told you to get him out of here."

It was weird seeing Diluc being protective of Kaeya, but if the Archons had been evil all along in this world, then perhaps the two brothers had been raised differently.

"Come on, we are brothers in arms!" Tartaglia said in that cheeky tone of his, before turning and gesturing towards Luna. "But what about your sister?"

"I don't have a-" Diluc was saying when his eyes met Luna's.

"She has a fire bird bigger than yours." Tartaglia winked with a wicked smile.

"Whatever, we should move." Diluc said as he started to walk away.

"Check out that view!" Yuji whispered a little too loudly as she nudged Luna and pointed with her chin towards Diluc.

"Yuji!" Luna said, shocked but amused. "You know, you are a real pervert for someone who looks so innocent."

"Excuse me? I just like a lot of things in life. Like good food, good views-" Yuji tried to suppress a smile. "-good views."


On their way to the Dawn Winery, they came across several other statues. Luna quietly and discreetly touched every statue and to Yuji's credit, she followed suit, also discreetly. Luna had no idea how long they walked for, but it was their third rest stop and her feet were killing her.

"Want me to carry you?" Yuji asked, comically serious.

"No." Luna said as she massaged one of her feet. "Yes- but no. We can never do that again. Not when people are looking. Unless it's a life or death kind of situation."

"Didn't you say your feet were killing you?" Yuji still kept her face very serious.

"You make a good point, they literally are." Luna laughed.

"So, a daughter of Murata from- somewhere else, appears out of nowhere and almost takes out Dvalin with one attack." Diluc said suddenly behind Luna. "Which so happens to be similar to mine."

Luna would have gotten up, but with her feet hurting, she honestly didn't care.

"I'm not a child of Murata, this isn't my real hair color." Luna said as she turned her head to look at this masked Diluc. "The attack was a coincidence."

"Well, either way, I figured we should be acquainted." Diluc said, extending his hand for her to shake. "I'm Il Fenice, Eighth of the Fatui Harbingers."

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