Chapter 7 - The Underground

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The world shook as Luna struggled to get up. Everything was engulfed in a cyan light as she saw a shadow stretching on the ground towards her friends. A dark Bakura came out of the shadow with a terrifying smile.

"Joey!" Luna called out, her desperation just as heart wrenching as the first time she lived through this experience.

The evil Bakura stabbed Joey in the neck with a knife before ripping the blade out and stabbing him again. (**events from Book I, Chapter 17**)

Luna's eyes opened as her heart beat too fast. Panic gripped her mind as she looked around the room but didn't recognize anything.

Where the fuck am I?


The sudden voice made Luna back up against the wall. A worried face looked back at her but Luna didn't recognize her at first.

I know her.

"Yuji?" She said as her mind slowly caught up to her eyes and she knew she was looking at her new pink friend. "Yuji."

"May I?" Yuji asked as her hand started to glow pink.

Luna nodded as she still struggled to get her breathing under control.

Yuji touched the center of Luna's chest as a warmth spread through her body. Slowly, her breathing and heart rate calmed down.

"Nightmares?" Yuji asked, seeming genuinely worried.

Luna shook her head as tears formed in her eyes despite her doing her best to steel her heart.

"Memories." Luna confided as she sobbed. "That psychotic angel, Barbatos, was right. I'm a traveler. This isn't the first world I travelled to either."

Luna didn't know why she was telling Yuji all of that, but a part of her was just so tired of hiding secrets and pretending to be normal.

"I was able to save that world, but not before many of my friends were killed." Saying it out loud made her feel like she was confessing to a crime she had been trying to hide. "Not all heroes are strong enough to save everyone."

"Not all heroes need to be alone." Yuji said as she hugged Luna once again.

"I wasn't." Luna shuddered a little. "I had my friends and we felt unstoppable. I lost every single one of them, even my other half."

"Like your soul mate?" Yuji asked as she straightened up to look at Luna in the eyes.

"What? No. I lost my soul mate more recently- Well, he's not dead. He's missing, and I'm still looking." Luna babbled as she wiped her eyes.

"So who is your other half? Were you a twin?" Yuji asked, obviously curious, but at least seeming hesitant about the question.

"No, uh-" Luna wondered how to explain Yami Luna. "She was an entity born from a darkness inside of me. Which I know sounds bad, and she was bad at first. But eventually she came around and helped me destroy the ender of worlds, even though it meant she would disappear." (**events of Book I, Chapter 29**)

Suddenly Yuji's eyes seemed a bit distant.

"So you had an evil clone?" She asked as her eyes gained focus again on Luna.

Luna couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Luna said as she realized how much she missed even Yami Luna. "I wish you could have seen her. She was like the opposite of you. Angry, foul mouthed. So badass and terrifying at the same time."

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