Chapter 32 - Another One Emerges

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Luna watched as Menogias scrunched up his face and looked at Barbatos.

"We beat her, just Bosacius and me." He smirked. "This will be a piece of cake, watch how real gods fight."

"You disrespectful cretin, I am an Archon!" Barbatos yelled.

Menogias shrugged with a smile before he raised an arm and shot a glowing yellow rock up into the air.

"He's calling for reinforcements!" Luna warned the others.

"We'll end this quickly!" Yuji practically growled as her entire body glowed pink a splitsecond before she launched herself at lightning quick speed towards Menogias.

A translucent green sphere formed around Menogias and Barbatos.

But Yuji shattered through the Anemo shield as if it were nothing. She followed through with a punch to Menogias face, which resounded through the air with a loud crack as it launched Menogias off a distance away.

Before Luna could do anything, Yuji launched herself out of sight, after Menogias.

Luna flared her Pyro energy, bringing back her wings, and launched herself towards Barbatos. She was impressed with how much stronger and quicker Yuji had become in such a short time, making her wonder about the girl's origins once again.

Before she could get to Barbatos, however, a bright blue arrow flew at her. Luna decelerated for a split second, just barely avoiding the arrow from striking her forehead.

And despite having avoided the deadly arrow, Luna felt a stinging sensation and reached up to find that the sweat on her forehead had frozen over.

Luna looked towards where the arrow had come from just to see a chunk of ice immediately forming in front of her before falling with an arrow stuck to it.

"Move, Luna! You are an easy target up there!" Barbara suddenly yelled, making Luna realize that the little deaconess had shot some water towards her to block the icy arrows.

In response, Luna flared her wings and immediately flew in an erratic zigzag. And as she looked around she saw a blue haired, red horned lady holding a bow.

Ganyu, I'm going to have to be more careful.

She remembered how strong each of Ganyu's charged shots could be.

But suddenly she wondered how the others had fared fighting against the Yakshas and Ganyu.

"You!" Luna heard someone yell, making her turn to see Bosacius holding a severed arm in on of his lowerhands. "I thought we incapacitated you."

Luna noticed that Ganyu had stopped firing once Bosacius had started to talk.

"It didn't take." Luna said as she noticed a giant fiery stamp at a distance, exploding everything around it.

"Well, I'm not going to complain." Bosacius shrugged much like Menogias before he wiggled the severed arm towars Luna. "Let's just say competition has been pretty weak around here."

As Luna wondered whose arm that was, she felt anger spreading through her veins. She understood now what the people of Teyvat had been suffering through.

These gods are just toying with the lives of everyone else.

"Where's Yuna?" She asked loudly.

Bosacius looked to his side as if expecting someone to be there before turning back to Luna.


Luna turned to look at Barbatos.

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