Chapter 2 - The Girl in Pink

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Luna opened her eyes and instinctively turned to her side as she started to cough and vomit water. The amount was alarming, but as the water left her, she slowly started to feel the rest of her body again.

Only when her body stopped heaving up water did she realize that she was on wet sand.

I definitely travelled.

She would have been more excited had her body not been just one big pile of hurt. She coughed one last time before she attempted to look around. Of course, she didn't recognize any of it. Trees, mountains, sands and rocks.

As her ears stopped ringing she realized she was hearing something she couldn't really identify. Turning around, she found someone dressed in all shades of pink, crouched down with their back towards Luna. Most notably however, was that the person had a wagging pink tail.

"Hello?" Luna called out, her throat still feeling a little raw.

The person turned around quickly, wide eyed with messy pink hair. Luna could now see that she was young, but by no means a child. Short and just, so much pink. She definitely didn't look like any Yu-Gi-Oh! character Luna knew of.

"Oh my god-" The young lady said in a half muffled voice due to her having her mouth full. "I'm so sorry!"

Upon closer inspection, Luna could see that the girl had some kind of animal ears on top of her head, and a lot of round bells and red ropes on her outfit.

"I swear I was going to check whether you were okay!" The girl said, having swallowed whatever she had been chewing on. "But then I saw that thing you were holding and it just smelled so- tasty."

"What?" Luna wondered what she was talking about. "The burger? That must have been super soggy, did you eat that?"

"Oh yes, and it was delicious!" The girl said, her tail starting to wag again before immediately looking genuinely sorry again. "But I should have asked you first, I'm sorry!"

"No, that's okay." Luna said, taking a deep breath as she looked around a little more. "I wasn't going to- did you pull me out of the water?"

The girl looked confused for a moment.

"No, you pulled yourself out of the water." She said, looking pensive. "You looked real scary doing so too. I was about to run away when you just collapsed. And then I smelled the food."

"I swam out?" Luna didn't remember that at all. "And I looked scary?"

"Yeah! So scar- I mean, you look fine now." The girl said with a little embarrassed smile. "I don't sense that imminent threat from you anymore."

Luna didn't know what to make of it, she tried looking around once again to see if anything would seem familiar to her.

"Are you lost too?" The girl asked Luna, still seeming a little shy. "I can tell you that this for sure isn't Liyue."

Liyue? This is Teyvat? I'm in Genshin Impact?

"The old man said if I just kept going when I found yellow trees, that I would eventually get to Liyue Harbor. But here we are, and I haven't even seen any harbors or ports yet." Despite what she said, she didn't sound frustrated at all. "But it's been nice. I saw a lot of pretty flowers and had some juicy fruits here and there."

Looking around again with the fact that she was in Teyvat, Luna concluded that she was somewhere near Mondstadt.

Her attention quickly went back to the water and the cliffs around them. Then back to the girl who apparently loved to eat. She definitely didn't physically look like any Genshin Impact character that she knew of.

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