Chapter 31 - The Chaos and Confusion of Battle

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A dim blue light glowed from the opening to the chamber. Barbara looked worriedly towards Luna, but nothing was going to stop her in that moment.

She quickly rushed to the entrance as the blue light intensified.


She thought she had heard Barbara call out, but she wasn't sure, too many of her thoughts were drowning out everything else.

When she turned into the entrance, the blue light was too strong for her to see clearly but she thought she saw some bodies lying around. She shielded her eyes with her hands but could feel the suffocating feeling of the Abyss.

Quickly putting her hand out towards Barbara, she warned the priestess to stay back just in case. But as the light subsided, she realized the bodies she had imagined were real. They were of several fatui soldiers, but also of a bird, a deer, and a woman in blue.

At the center of the chamber was-

"Tartaglia!" Luna yelled as she noticed the Eleventh Harbinger kneeled on the ground with a dark blue sword through his chest.

But as she took two steps forward to help her friend she noticed the tall figure standing by Tartaglia with his back towards Luna. He exuded that familiar feeling she had felt when her spear had shone brightly white. As she stared at the back of this man who was dressed in a similar fashion as the Jean they had seen just moments before, Luna's heart skipped a beat as it dared to hope again.

"Seto?" She asked, her voice laced with the fear of being wrong.

The man turned his head slightly towards Luna and she couldn't help but have a flashback of the dream she had of Seto.

But as the man turned completely to face her, she noticed that it was Dainsleif.

That's right, both Seto and Dainsleif were voiced by Kenjiro Tsuda.

She felt a pit forming at the base of her throat and she was about to blast him away out of frustration and- embarrassment? She didn't fully know what she was feeling. But before she could do anything, she saw recognition in Dainsleif's blue eyes.

Have they always been that same shade of deep blue?

Luna wondered.

"Who are you?" Dainsleif asked in that voice that Luna had so longed to hear again. "Do you know me?"

"Luna! I thought I smelled you! I'm so glad you are okay! I came right away, look at this new armor I-" Yuji suddenly came into the chamber, but as her eyes went from Luna to Dainsleif, and finally to Tartaglia, her usual bright smile faded away.

Dainsleif seemed to have noticed that Tartaglia and Yuji had been close.

"He fought valiantly." He said just before a sudden pink burst of electricity shot off from Yuji towards him. He managed to quickly jump back onto the shadows, as the Abyss swallowed him.

Yuji ran to Tartaglia and kneeled by him, her hands hovering over him as if she wasn't sure what to do. Her hands began to glow pink, but desperation was starting to show on her face. She summoned her heartstone and hovered it by Tartaglia.

"He isn't healing." Yuji said as her expression broke and tears started to fall from her eyes. "He isn't- please help me, help him!"

Barbara quickly ran to them as small water droplets flowed from her hands.

Luna didn't know what to do. The state Tartaglia was in reminded her of when she had seen Marik die in front of her (Events from Book I). Something had broken inside of her then, she didn't want Yuji to go through the same thing.

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