Chapter 22 - The Big Bad Wolf

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Yuji channeled all of her strength through her astral beast as she tried to fling Razor's astral wolf to the side. But as the purple wolf was thrown sideways, the hooded Razor was pulled along with it quite easily.

From the corner of her eyes, Yuji saw Yuna lunge towards Razor, but Yuji couldn't take her eyes off of Razor as his astral wolf started to change colors from purple to blue. And as Razor landed on his feet, his hood fell off revealing a silver haired, red eyed boy.

Of course, his red eyes didn't stay red for much longer as they also turned a shade of dark blue.

"Guys, Andrius disappeared!" Tartaglia yelled from a distance away.

"He's here! He's here!" Yuji yelled as a terrifying and unnaturally large grin sprouted on Razor's face.

"Give yourself up to me." Andrius's voice seemed to be coming from inside of Razor despite his mouth not moving.

But before Yuji could respond, Yuna was already on top of Razor as she started to punch him in the face.

"Shut up, pervert!" Yuna shouted as she repeatedly socked him in the face.

But Razor suddenly yelled, making his astral wolf explode into several icicles that burst around him, throwing Yuna off just for a moment. But that short moment was enough for Razor grab her by the leg and fling her away as one would a stick they found on the ground.

"The Falcon has awoken and now makes her way to the Master." Razor said, his terrible grin twitching on the corners. "Hurry now, child, give yourself up to me so I may be on my way as well."

The Falcon is on her way to the master?

Yuji wondered what that meant, had the other team failed? She quickly looked towards the distant mountains. The sun had come up but she couldn't tell much from this distance. She noticed a speck of light moving away at incredible speed away from the mountains and wondered if that was the Falcon.

Had it defeated her friends? Yuji worried about Luna, but surely Yuna would know if something happened to her other half. Wouldn't she?

A sudden sense of doom made Yuji jump away, just in time to see Razor's massive claymore slash through the air of where she had been standing a fraction of a second before.

"Do I bore you, child." Mild annoyance could be felt from the Wolf's voice. "Or are you so eager to give yourself up to me?"

Suddenly Razor lifted his claymore in a defensive position as a streak of purple light smashed into him. The purple light immediately dissipated upon impact, revealing the masked Tartaglia standing on the claymore with his spear held against the massive sword.

Razor's face contorted as he let out a monstrous howl, which Tartaglia responded with an almost manic shout of his own.

"Tarts!" Yuji yelled as she undid her astral beast and channeled that pure Electro energy towards Tartaglia.

"Brace yourself, this is going to hurt!" Tartaglia yelled as the pink Electro energy from Yuji mixed with his own purple lightning as it shot up before descending from the skies to strike Razor square on the back. But despite the direct hit, Razor flung Tartaglia away with a quick flick of his claymore.

"You dare mock the power of the gods with a mere trinket?" Razor asked, still sounding proud despite an evident awkwardness in stance. He was hurt, that was certain. "The power of duality is one you cannot simply mimic with your false visions."

With that, Razor made his claymore shine light green as the blade itself started to freeze over.

That made Yuji wonder what it meant that Yuna could use both Hydro and Cryo even without a delusion.

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