Chapter 36 - Join Forces

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For a moment, nothing happened.

Luna wondered if this was just some glitch in the universe, but Dainsleif's eyes started to glow as he seemingly floated up into the air.

"Anchor of my life," His lips moved, his voice as clear and confident as Seto's has always been. "together we are whole."

Could it be?

Her right hand started to glow in a blue light and instinctively, she reached out her hands towards Dainsleif. His entire body started to glow as she saw his torn flesh and skin start to mend itself.

As the glow in his eyes dissipated, she could see he gained some clarity in them as his feet came back down to touch the dark waters.

"Reveal our original form." Luna blurted out, the words simply coming out of her mouth out of their own volition.

Suddenly Dainsleif's appearance shifted erratically, as if a game model was visually glitched, and in a second, the person standing in front of her was none other than the Protector with Eyes of Blue.

Luna was taken aback for a split second as she had hoped to see Seto, but immediately remembered that Seto had been the Protector in a previous life. Just as she had been the Maiden with Eyes of Blue.

She was about to hug the Protector but suddenly realized that her hair was pitch black instead of her current dyed red or her original silvery white.


She grabbed a strand of her own hair and looked at it, it reminded her of Yuna's hair.

"Do you recognize me?" Luna asked the Protector, half of his face still missing.

He blinked a few times as he looked around.

His calm look suddenly changed to that of panic.

"What is sorcery-" he was starting to say when Luna blinked and found herself back in the Underground.

She quickly glanced at Dainsleif, and he was indeed Dainsleif back again, but he was healed.

That's definitely Seto.

She turned her gaze to Yuji who looked to be in shock.

"How-" Yuji's momentarily confused looked shifted back to that of absolute anger. "I will just have to kill you again!"

But Luna quickly made her way between them, making her realize that her dwindling reserves of energy were now almost full.

"I can't let you do that, Yuji." Luna said, also noting that her hair was back to red. "I just found out that this is Seto, the Seto I told you about. I think something happened to his memo-"

"Tartaglia deserves justice!" Yuji yelled, her eyes starting to glow yellow.

"This is no justice, Yuji. This is revenge!" Luna yelled back as she made her Pyro wings appear.

"Well I have to do something!" Yuji yelled as her hands started to glow pink.

"Don't do this, Yuji. I will stop you." Luna warned as she made her spear materialize.

That made Yuji stop for a second before her expression darkened further.

"I thought you had my back no matter what." Yuji said, a lot quieter than before.

"Not in this." Luna said just as Yuji launched herself slightly deviating from Luna, but Luna couldn't waste any more time trying to talk Yuji out of this when Azhdaha was pummeling Diluc and Eula.

My Time in Teyvat [Tales of Luna, Book 2]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora