Chapter 40 - A Mysterious Past

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"Hello?" Zhongli asked despite Luna being right beside him.

"We have returned, father." Bosacius spoke up, finally approaching. "Azhdaha-"

"I am aware, child." Zhongli stated. "I have felt it. Four Archons gone in just one day. And your siblings- A terrible loss for us."

"Bonanus was killed in battle against Mondstadt's protectors along with many of our adepti." Bosacius said, glancing at Luna for a brief moment. "Azhdaha absorbed Mondstadt's Archon, and after that he murdered Menogias and Indarias, absorbing their powers and godhood."

"A very concerning prospect, gods turning on one another." Zhongli said, feeling the little table in front of him with his hand before setting his cup down on it. "But tell me, child, who are your new travelling companions?"

"She's the deity that fought for the mortals of Mondstadt." Xiao answered, also having approached them. "She is the one that defeated Azhdaha."

"He was misguided and rough, but he was still one of mine." Zhongli said solemnly before turning his head ever so slightly again. "Wish we could have met under better circumstances, it is not every day I get visitors."

He stopped for a moment as if considering his next words carefully.

"If it's not much trouble, may I hear your voice once again?" He asked. "For a moment I thought I had recognized you from a distant past."

"That's impossible." Luna answered. "I'm from another world and have been in Teyvat less than a year now."

But Zhongli's expression was that of disbelief as he half stood up from his seat. His mouth opened but no sound came out.

"Are you okay?" Luna asked her hand out, ready to catch him should he fall.

"Mother?" He asked.

What the actual fuck?

Nothing could have prepared Luna for that.

"Have you finally come back to us?" He asked, his expression full of hope, his voice full of longing.

"She's just a new godling, father." Bosacius said as he put an arm on Zhongli's shoulder, as another two arms helped support him, so that Zhongli could slowly sit back down. "Father has been reminiscing about the past a lot lately."

"I'm sorry, it would seem my mind is no longer what it used to be." Zhongli said in a sad smile.

Luna had hoped this former Archon would help her win the war, but alas, that didn't seem like a possibility now.

"Do you know of any deities that could help us end the tyranny of the Archons?" Luna risked asking.

"The reason father is in this state is because he fought for the humans." Bosacius interjected. "Why should we fight for them? Why should we do anything for them?"

"Easy, son." Zhongli stated as he put a hand up. "Unfortunately, my reach and influence is no longer what it once was. The ones closest to me are either no longer or unaccounted for. The ones in power now, mostly just care about maintaining their own power by any means necessary. We do have many Adepti here, but I have a feeling you are asking for Archon level assistance."

"What about Murata? I met her twice now, she mentioned that you were siblings." Luna remembered. "Do you think she will help fight the other Archons? She did seem different from them."

Zhongli smiled.

"So my eldest sister is finally out of her hiding place." He stayed quiet for a brief moment as if remembering something from a distant past. "I think she was always indifferent about humans, to be honest. But she was always passionate about family. And perhaps because mother and I loved humans, Murata always just let the humans in her region do as they pleased. It is possible that she may have a disdain for the new Archons for mistreating the humans. But as to why she chose to disappear, I simply have no idea."

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