Yandere Total Drama Harem X Male Reader

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(The sun beat down on the sandy shores of Camp Wawanakwa as the latest challenge of Total Drama unfolded. Y/N watched as the teams scrambled, his heart pounding not just from the exertion of the game, but from the unsettling glances he felt on him. It was hard to ignore the intensity of those stares, the way they seemed to drill into his very soul.)

Y/N: (in mind) I've got a bad feeling that something bad will happen.

Y/N: (in mind) I've got a bad feeling that something bad will happen

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Heather: Dodgeball? Seriously?

(Heather, the fierce and competitive contestant, scoffed as she brushed a strand of hair from her face. Her eyes, normally cold and calculating, held a strangely intense gleam as they met Y/N's.)

Heather: (in mind) Oh, Y/N. I'll make you mine!

Lindsay: Who cares about the challenge? I just want to see you shine, Y/N?

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Lindsay: Who cares about the challenge? I just want to see you shine, Y/N?

Y/N: (blushes) Uh... thanks, Lindsay.

(Heather glares at Lindsay in jealousy.)

Y/N: (in mind) This will be a long game...

(As the game progressed, the yandere tendencies of the girls became more evident. Courtney's fierce determination to protect Y/N, Gwen's brooding glances that seemed to dare anyone to come near him, and even Izzy's wild antics took on a darker twist as she showed off her "skills" to impress him.)

Y/N: (in mind) This game is getting complicated, and it's not for the game itself.

(When the game ended, Y/N felt a tug on his arm, and he turned to see Bridgette, her eyes wide and her smile almost manic.)

Bridgette: You were amazing out there, Y/N

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Bridgette: You were amazing out there, Y/N. I knew you'd be the last one standing.

Y/N: Uh... thank you, Bridgette. Can you please let go of me.

Bridgette: (hugs his arm) Nah, I prefer to cling onto you like this.

(The other girls glare at Bridgette.)

Girls: (in mind) You bitch, he belongs to me!

(The evening brought a bonfire ceremony, and as Chris called out the names of the safe contestants, the yandere girls exchanged tense glances. Y/N's heart raced as the atmosphere grew more charged with each name called.)

Y/N: (nervous) Oh god... oh god...

Chris: Y/N L/N.

(Chris finally announced, and the girls erupted in cheers, clapping and smiling with an intensity that made his skin crawl.)

Y/N: I think... I'm about to faint...

(Y/N faints and the girls look at him with lustful smiles.)

Girls: Ooooooow...

(The girls then take him to his bunk as Lindsay cuddles with him.)

Lindsay: You know, Y/N, if I won, we could share the prize. Just the two of us.

Gwen: Don't listen to her, Y/N

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Gwen: Don't listen to her, Y/N. You deserve someone who understands you. Someone like me.

(As the night wore on, Y/N found himself surrounded by the girls, their possessive declarations growing louder and more desperate. Courtney's demands for loyalty, Heather's promises of victory, and Bridgette's pleas for his affection merged into a cacophony of chaos.)

Y/N: (in mind) I guess the moment I participated in this tournament, I fucked up.

(In that moment, Y/N realized he was no longer a contestant on a reality show. He was a prize, a trophy in a twisted game of love and obsession. And as he looked into their eyes, a chilling realization dawned upon him: winning this game might mean losing himself forever.)

Girls: You're ours now, Y/N.

(The girls decided to share him with each other, and occasionally kill the other boys, especially those who actually tried to get in the way of their love for him.)

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