Yandere Topaz X Himeko's Younger Brother

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(Hiroshi, or as he prefers to be called, Hiro, is a member of the Interastral Peace Corporation and the younger brother of Himeko. What he doesn't know is that Topaz, who once was an expert in "debt retrieval", had feelings for him, and these feelings transformed into something far more sinister as she developed an intense fixation on Himeko's younger brother.)

Topaz: Oh Hiro, I love you so much

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Topaz: Oh Hiro, I love you so much. I won't let anyone else take you. 

(Hiro could feel the intensity of Topaz's gaze upon him, her longing for his affection and attention palpable in every glance and interaction. He then decided to have some time off the Interastral Peace Corporation. One day, he got a message from Dan Heng, who wanted to meet him in a warehouse.)

Hiro: Could he be wanting to take me on a mission or something?

(As he goes to the warehouse, he sees Topaz dismembering Dan Heng, much to his horror. As he tries to run away, Topaz' partner blocks his way and knocks him out.)

(Some hours later, Hiro is seen tied up in a bed as he wakes up and sees Topaz with a devious smirk.)

Hiro: (struggles) You're crazy, Topaz.

(She sits on his lap and caresses his cheeks.)

Topaz: You're right, I'm crazy for you.

(She then forces herself on him, giving him a forced kiss as he feels like his organs are being sucked. She then lets go of him.)

Topaz: Now for some ground rules. First of all, You're mine. My boyfriend and my property, I won't give you to anyone. Second, you are never to leave our house unless I say so. If you manage to get out I'll kill whoever you where talking you and drag you back here. Three, if you try to back talk me, I'll kill your sister. Do I make myself clear?

(She then strokes his chin.)

Topaz: You're mine, now and forever. Nothing can change that.

(Hiro had no other choice as he became Topaz' property.)

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