Y. Sirens X H. T. Y. S. Male Commander Reader X N. T. Y. S. Azur Lane Harem (🍋)

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A/N: Requested by ZetaRaiser, and it's an alternate and reverse version of the same one-shot.

(Y/N is one of the commanders of Azur Lane, who married Formidable, Illustrious, Amagi, Duke of York and Akagi. Unfortunately they went missing during the battle against the sirens, who got captured by them. Several days later, Y/N finds them.)

Y/N: Girls? (rushes to them) Are you alright?

Formidable: Commander...

(Y/N then uses his walkie-talkie to talk with the others.)

Y/N: This is Commander Y/N. I found Formidable, Illustrious, Amagi, Duke of York and Akagi. Send a medical team here.

Higher Up: Roger that.

Y/N: Don't worry, girls. Everything will be fine.

Shipgirls: (in mind) Oh... they sure will commander. Nobody will separate us ever again.

(Unbeknownst to him, the sirens are seen watching them from afar.)

Tester: The fish bit the bait.

Arbiter III: Good, let's get phase two started.

(As the shipgirls are taken to Azur Lane's infirmary, they then get a kiss in their cheeks from Y/N before he walks away. Then they finally wake up as they show their changed forms.)

Akagi: Okay, we just need to turn the rest of them into what we became

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Akagi: Okay, we just need to turn the rest of them into what we became.

Illustrious: What about Commander Y/N?

Akagi: (licks her lips) We'll save the best for the last.

(The girls nod in agreement as they proceed to corrupt the other shipgirls while killing all of the commanders, except for Y/N. Then the sirens join the fray as the corrupted shipgirls bow before Arbiter III: The Empress.)

C. Shipgirls: All hail the Empress.

Arbiter III: Now... where is our sweet Y/N?

Akagi: Follow me, Empress.

(They follow Akagi to Y/N's room as they proceed to tie him up without him realizing. Akagi then grinds on his member, waking him up.)

Y/N: Akagi? What have they done to you?

Akagi: Don't worry about anything, Commander. You will soon become one of us.

(She then inserts his member into her vagina and starts bouncing.)

Akagi: Mmm, I miss this so much.

(She bounces harder and faster while moaning which implies she enjoys it.)

Akagi: Oghhh... Y/N...

Y/N: Ahhh... ahhh...

Akagi: Feels good.

Y/N: Aghhh... Ahhh, Akagi-san...

(Y/N groans even more as she bounces harder and faster and leans close to his face.)

Akagi: Ahhh ahh, I love it.

Y/N: Ahhh, I am glad you do.

(She bounces more as she giggles and her insides tighten.)

Y/N: (moans) You're getting too tight, Akagi.

Akagi: Because I love you so much.

(Some minutes later, they cum in each other, and then Y/N becomes corrupted.)

Y/N: Hehehehehehe!

Akagi: Now we can be together forever.

(They then conquered the world as they kill anyone who opposes them.)

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