Yandere Obssesive Honkai/Genshin x Kamen Rider Wizard Reader

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(In a world where the realms of Honkai Impact and Genshin Impact intertwined with the universe of Kamen Rider Wizard, a dark and unsettling aura settled over the land. The enigmatic male Rider had unwittingly become the object of desire for the female characters from both worlds, their infatuation turning into an all-consuming obsession.)

Y/N: I promise to make this quick.


Y/N: Henshin!


(Y/N becomes Kamen Rider Wizard.)

Wizard: Sa, showtime da

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Wizard: Sa, showtime da.

(As Y/N stood at the center of this twisted love story, he could feel the eyes of the yanderes upon him, their desire for his affection and attention palpable in every glance and whisper. The once-heroic Valkyries of Honkai Impact had become shadows of their former selves, their obsession for him consuming their every thought.)

Wizard: Something tells me I'll have to do my best.

(Bronya, the brilliant wielder of cybernetic enhancements, watched from the shadows, her eyes filled with a mixture of adoration and dread. Her love for Y/N had turned into a dangerous fixation, one that threatened to engulf her every action.)

Bronya: You... belong... to me...

(Kiana, the fiery Valkyrie, struggled to reconcile her loyalty to her duty with her terrifying obsession. She yearned for Y/N 's attention, her determination twisted into a perilous infatuation. Her every move was calculated to capture his heart, even if it meant sacrificing her own.)

Kiana: You can't escape from me.

(Theresa, once the epitome of elegance and grace, followed Y/N with haunting determination. Her love for him had twisted into a wicked obsession, one that she could not escape. She moved with a grace that masked her sinister intentions, her every step a dangerous dance.)

Theresa: I'll show you my dance, Y/N... and get you to love me.

(From the world of Genshin Impact, the female characters were not immune to the curse of obsession. Lisa, the enigmatic mage, had become a master of manipulation and deception. Her intentions were clear – to capture Y/N's heart and soul, no matter the cost.)

Lisa: With the right trick, Y/N will fall for me in no time

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Lisa: With the right trick, Y/N will fall for me in no time.

(Jean, the steadfast leader of the Knights of Favonius, had found herself torn between her duty and her terrifying desire for Y/N. She yearned for his attention, her determination transformed into an all-consuming fixation. Her every decision was calculated to win his affection.)

Jean: I won't let anyone take him from me

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Jean: I won't let anyone take him from me.

(As Y/N navigated the treacherous waters of this merged universe, he sought to protect his allies and himself from the relentless pursuit of the yanderes. The crew from Honkai Impact and the characters from Genshin Impact watched in horror as their once-loyal allies turned into yanderes who would stop at nothing to possess Y/N.)

Wizard: I better try this one instead.


(Wizard changes forms as Lisa gets excited.)

Lisa: Oh, you can change elements? That's so fascinating.

Lisa: Oh, you can change elements? That's so fascinating

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Wizard: (pulls out a ring) Finale da.

(Wizard jumps off and uses his ring.)


(Wizard tries to finish the girls off, but they combine their powers and overwhelm him as he reverts back to Y/N. They then take him away and nobody saw or heard of them again.)

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