Chapter Eighteen: The Leaky Cauldron

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The negatives: used the Dark Arts far too frequently, secretive, and wasn't necessarily someone she could trust with her heart. But why? Past Draco might have given her a few reasons with the main one being he called her a Mudblood, but this Draco that she had started to see was a lot more complicated than a school bully. She didn't have a reason for not being able to trust him anymore.

The positives: handsome, kind when he needed to be in an auspicious way, funny, intelligent, great conversation, listens to her, did she mention handsome? He was snarky and challenged her, told her the truth even if it was hard for her to hear, and handsome. She never felt so safe with someone, he smelled wicked good, and waking up in the morning with him was a moment she'll never forget. She wanted more of the moments. He didn't make fun or taunt her for her fear of being alone and he opened up to her when he was ready. That means that he trusted her and was open to growing that mutual trust.

Hermione squinted at down at her hands, counting the positives. She couldn't remember if she said he was handsome, but the most important question came to mind.

Would they be... Compatible? From the few shared moments they had, even Hermione wasn't oblivious to see that the attraction was mutual. And considering what she felt against her rear this morning, she was highly curious about what sex with Draco would be like. She felt her cheeks flush. Why did she feel like a pervert all of a sudden?

A letter shooting out of the fireplace caught her attention. The parchment had the edges burned from the flames, but message from Ginny was clear enough.

8pm. Leaky Cauldron.

I already told Theo, he's bringing Draco.

Bring your clothes to mine, we're getting ready together.

Hermione blinked. Since when did Theo and Ginny become friends?

The Leaky Cauldron

Hermione had arrived to Harry and Ginny's with clothes that didn't meet her best friend's expectations at all.

"This is why I told you to get ready at mine." Ginny pointed out, sitting on the edge of her bed as Hermione held up the clothes.

She blinked, "What?! What's wrong with this?"

"Jeans and an old Triwizard Tournament shirt? Bloody hell, you might as well have brought me your work slacks-at least your arse looks nice in those!" Ginny pointed out, "We're trying to have Malfoy drooling all over you tonight, not someone else!"

Her cheeks reddened, "I am not trying to-"

"Save it for Ron or Harry--Although even Harry is becoming very aware of the sexual tension between the both of you."

"And I wish I bloody wasn't!" Harry said from somewhere in the Master Bathroom. He walked out, brushing his teeth. "It's worse than Gin and I."

Hermione snorted, "Nothing is worse than Gin and you. My eyes are still scarred walking into the Room of Requirement that one time."

Her ginger best friend snickered while Harry scattered back into the bathroom with a knowing grin on his sudsy mouth. Though in reality, she was jealous of the relationship between them. It was so easy and effortless. They were in a domestic relationship without any awkwardness or trying, and they were so in love with each other it made her heart ache. More than anything, she was extremely happy for Harry. He deserved his own family more than anyone she knew.

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