Chapter Twenty Six: I've Always Wanted You - Mature Read

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"Lavender?" She commented as she scooted to the opposite side of the tub.

Draco got into the water after her, his eyes flickering with amusement when he noticed the distance. She felt him grab her ankles and then pulled her towards him.

"I thought you'd like it." He replied, raising an eyebrow. "Do you not?"

She shook her head, "It's not that. It smells nice."

He nodded, watching as she turned away from him and pulled his arms around her waist. Draco got the hint, spreading his long legs so that she could sit on his lap, and lay back against his chest. Hermione squirmed, feeling his hard length against her again. Draco's hands came up to cup her breasts and she felt his tongue slide along the shell of her ear.

"M-Malfoy." Hermione stuttered, feeling the anticipation build in her stomach again.

He made a tsk sound, rolling both of her nipples against between his thumbs and index fingers. "Is that my name?"

She smirked. "Technically, yes-Ow."

Draco pinched her nipples hard enough for pain to shoot up her system, but then he rolled the hardened nubs against his palm soothingly. "Try again, Granger."

Her eyes narrowed. Two can play at this game.

I've Always Wanted You - Mature Read

Hermione reached down, wrapping her hands around his shaft. A startled noise escaped Draco that sounded like a combination between a grunt and a moan. She felt his right hand slide down her sternum and he placed his hand over her heat. The tension was suffocating. She wanted him desperately to touch her.

"Say my name, Granger." He whispered beside her ear, "Say my name and I'll give you what you want."

Hermione stroked him teasingly, swiping her hand over the head while her nails lightly raked against him, "And what's that?"

Draco placed his middle finger in between her heat, but didn't move. His left hand was still fondling her breast and she felt like she could combust from the need building in side her.

"To give you a mind blowing orgasm," Draco replied naughtily, the smirk in his voice. He pushed his finger against her, feeling her arousal. "Don't pretend or try to be coy. I know you want me inside you."

She moved her hips, moaning softly when it caused his finger to move against her a little bit, "You want me too."

"I've always wanted you." Draco admitted, "You've been a walking wet dream for me since we were in school together. Did you know the night of the Yule Ball, I wanked while thinking of you?"

Her cheeks reddened at the admission, "What did you think about?"

He must have heard the tinge of desperation in her voice because he let out a quiet chuckle, "You like dirty talk, don't you?"

"So do you."

It was a guess, but she felt him nod once. "Bring your hands up to your chest, Granger. Touch yourself. Show me what you like and I'll talk."

Feeling shy, she hesitated, but it didn't last for long. She stopped stroking him to touch her own breasts. She squeezed them once before teasing her own nipples, circling them without giving herself the friction she needed.

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