Chapter Forty Four: Espresso Mornings

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 Draco shrugged, noticing her shiver, and let her go to put on the nightgown. "We'll find a way, it only depends on how quickly that is. You're a bright witch and if you recall, I was right there behind you in our N.E.W.T.'s."

"Always second place." Hermione said smugly, slipping on the prudish nightgown. It was floor length and pale white with far too many ruffles and long sleeves. "Good God. This is something my great grandmother would have worn."

He snorted inwardly, glancing at her briefly. "Looking at you half naked may have excited me, but that nightgown has undoubtedly made me soft again."

The witch rolled her eyes before scampering into bed with a quiet sigh, "Oh just get in bed won't you? We have a long day ahead of us."

Draco nodded, wearing nothing except for a thin pair of sleeping pajamas that had been a bit tight, and he'd had to transfigure them to fit.

Now that she had a moment to think and Draco's arms were around her, she felt the painful grief of Harry's death hit her full force. Draco said nothing, but held her as she cried, and stroked his fingers through her curly hair. When she finally let up, she felt her cheeks wet, but he kissed them anyway.

"Sleep, love." Draco said softly, pulling the covers over her shoulders.

Hermione sighed quietly, snuggling against him. "I love you."

It was met with another kiss on the top of her head and she was thankful yet again that Draco was by her side. She didn't know how she was going to get back to the future, but with Draco by her side... She felt like could accomplish anything.

Espresso Mornings

For a moment, Hermione laid there in the soft glow of dawn. This wasn't Draco's bedroom, but she still smelled spearmint and subtle notes of her lavender shampoo he'd used.

It was just another day.

An ordinary day where he'd call for Cadskey to bring them their breakfast in bed, he'd make inappropriate comments in between talking about their plans for the day, and he'd seal it with a kiss while sending her off to work with a coffee in hand.

He'd complain that too much sugar wasn't good for her and she'd bicker back that he loved her sweet arse. To which he'd make an even dirtier comment while leaning back against the headboard.

They'd become domestic and she loved it.

But it wasn't a typical Monday. Actually, she didn't even know what day of the week it was. All she knew was that London had been bombed, there were Nazis in the sky, Cadskey was as lovely as ever, and Draco's ancestors were arseholes. She wasn't surprised about the latter fact.

There was an almost silent pitter patter of footsteps as Hermione watched a long row of dresses and suits flood a black wardrobe towards the back of the room. She sat up to see Cadskey neatly putting them away before his ears twitched. He looked behind to see her awake and looking back at him.

Immediately he bowed, looking apologetic. "Cadskey apologies for disturbing Miss Granger."

"I've been awake for an hour." She smiled kindly, "Thank you for bringing the clothes."

Cadskey smiled back hesitantly, "Cadskey did not send the dresses to the stables like Master demanded. Stables are no place for such pretty garments. Speaking of garments, Cadskey placed the Mister and Misses' undergarments in the two lower drawers."

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