Chapter Twenty: King's Cup

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Ginny made an impatient noise, "Enough already, let's hear what Draco's Amortentia smells like."

Theo met the ginger's eyes with a secretive smile, "Yes, dear friend. Enlighten us."

Hermione found herself looking at Draco, curious. She noted that he was already looking at her and realized it was the first time since her Amortentia was revealed. His eyes had hints of ice grey, letting her know he was occluding. However there were cracks revealing blue and hints of a heated gaze he was trying very hard to suppress.

The corner of his lip quirked up as if he knew how he affected her. If he was aware of it and relished the feeling because it was mutual. She swallowed, unable to drop his gaze.

He didn't look away from Hermione as he spoke, his voice sultry and deep.

"Coffee beans, lavender, and strawberries."

King's Cup

She knew the strawberry affected him this morning, but she didn't realize he was still thinking of it hours later. Hermione shifted her attention back to the table, no longer able to stand Draco's promising stare. It was becoming insufferable how much she wanted him and now that the attraction was validated as being very much reciprocated... She wanted to leave the bar right now and bring him back to her apartment or maybe back to the Manor where she could be surrounded by the books and his cologne.

"Well that was riveting. What else do you Gryffindors consider fun?" Theo inquired, breaking the tension in the room.

At least Neville and Luna were wholly unaffected. Neville raised his hand, "Oh! I know! King's cup! It's my favorite Muggle Card game."

There were a bunch of cheers and it was decided as everyone sat down at the circular table. It went Ron, Luna, Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Draco, Theo, Neville, and back to Ron.

"What's King's cup?" Theo questioned, looking between Hermione and Ginny.

The brunette smiled, "Drinking game with cards. Neville's off to get a cup from Tom which we'll need. Essentially, that separate cup is placed in the middle of a ring of cards that are placed facedown. Each player takes a turn picking a card from the deck. Don't worry, regardless of who's pulling the card, we always announce what's going to happen. With enough turns, you'll start to recognize the cards and their actions."

On time, Neville placed a rather large beer mug on the center of the table. "Harry, you're starting since you stayed sober last time to drag those two lions home."

"Don't fucking remind me." Harry muttered, pointing accusingly at Hermione. "Never again."

"What happened?"

Theo asked, but it was Luna who responded with the loudest laugh of the night causing a flush to spread across her cheeks. Hermione went to answer, but she was distracted by someone's arm lounging across the back of her chair. It was casual and no one thought any of it, but it spread goosebumps across the back of her neck to know any part of him was right next to her.

Harry took his glasses off, rubbing his eyes dramatically the way a tired father would after a scolding. He placed them back on his face, explaining what happened, "Well after I got her and Gin off the table after singing Wannabe by the Spice Girls, this one convinced my fiancé that we needed to go out to eat."

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