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season four, episode seventeen

Ryan came back into Beth's room, "Given the situation, I would understand if you didn't want to proceed with surgery

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Ryan came back into Beth's room, "Given the situation, I would understand if you didn't want to proceed with surgery." Dr Shepherd told the Monroe family, "But we did learn from Jeremy and the formulation of the cocktail will be adjusted." Meredith then added as Ryan stayed behind them.

"We have not yet had a positive outcome." Beth's father looked down at his wife, "Liz? I want to take her home." Liz stated as Beth looked at them, "No. I want the surgery." Beth told them.

Liz looked at her daughter, "Honey. Honey, that's the grief talking." Beth's mother said rubbing her daughter's arm, "I want the surgery today." Beth told them as Derek let out a breath.

Meredith looked at Beth, "Well, there are no other clinical trials out there. No one else has any answers. Dr Shepherd has worked hard on this." Meredith started to say to their patient, "Meredith."

Mr Monroe looked at them, "We're not letting you have surgery because you want to die with Jeremy." Beth's father told his daughter, "If I go home, I die. I die in a few weeks, a few days," Beth told her parents, "I don't want to lose you." Liz told her daughter, "Mom, you won't." Beth said to her mother, "Because I'm not finished."

"Daddy. He loved me." Beth said to her father, "Yeah, you know, Jeremy really loved me. And he'd be so mad if-if I just gave up." Beth told them all, "Please. Do the surgery today."

Derek let out a breath when Ryan got paged, "I'll be back!" He called out running down the hall to where Callie was, "I need you to get the girl from the group of boys." The ortho surgeon told Ryan who nods his head.

"Lola." He called out, "Andrew's being asking for you. Could you come with me, please?" He said where Lola comes towards him, "Hey, is—is he Ok?"

Lola stood in front of Ryan, "No, he's not Ok. He's stuck in a block of cement. Actually garden sung by the second concrete cement. How could he possibly be okay?" He asked the teenager when seeing her face give a soft look, "Wow, you care about him." He said when seeing a vulnerability in her eyes, "He's my friend." Lola stated, "I-I know I told you he wasn't, but he's my friend."

"I think he's more than that." He admitted to the teenager, "And I think you're too proud to admit it to your friends, and maybe to yourself." He said where one of the boys then said, "Mommy, I have a boo-boo. Kiss it better."


The boys stopped, "He is in pain, he is scared, and he needs someone he knows to hold his hand." He told the female, "Lola, hold my hand." Ryan looked over the teenager girl's head sending a look to where the boys sat, "Screw what they think. This matters. They don't."

Lola looked down, "I can't help him." She said to what Ryan looked at the teenager, "You're gonna hate yourself for this. Later. You're gonna hate yourself for this, and you'll be right." Ryan turned around shaking his head as he met out a breath going to where Callie was shaking his head.


"She's holding steady." Meredith said when Ryan came into the room to check on Beth who had just went into surgery, "She's still alive. We've gotten this far." Meredith told her ex boyfriend, "She's still alive."

"For how long?"

Derek looked at the Grey siblings, "You two can go." Ryan went to open his mouth, "I'll stay with her." Derek commented about staying with Beth, "No, it's just—I'll do it. You both can go."

Ryan looked at Meredith where he opened Beth's hospital room door and went out alongside his sister, hugging Meredith, "She's still alive." He said in his sister's arms, "She's still alive." The two repeated with half smiled on their faces, "Do you think she'll live?"

Ryan nods his head when he pulled back his sister, "I know you and Derek did everything that went wrong with Jeremy, you did it right with Beth. I know it." He told his sister with a half smile, "Believe that you did it."




"Ryan, hi," Dr Stevens said when seeing Ryan checking over a patient of Derek's, "Are you okay?" She then questioned the intern who looked tired, "Have you slept? You look exhausted, Ryan," Izzie told the male who looked like he hadn't slept.

Ryan shook his head, "I haven't slept cause all I've been thinking about is was Derek's clincal trial patients and then the boy stuck in cement, and his stupid not friends who are in the waiting room," He admitted about Andrew's friends, "Ryan, you need to take care yourself before other people,"

"I've been doing this since I was young, Izzie, I don't put my needs first, I always put Meredith's before mine," He admitted to the blonde headed resident, "I can't sleep because all I've been thinking about is if Meredith is okay, if she's gonna be okay if this clincal trial doesn't work," He said to Izzie who put her hand onto his chest, "Stop."

Ryan looked at Izzie, "I'm the youngest but I've looked after Meredith when we were younger, Ok." Izzie looked in between Ryan's eyes, "Ryan, you don't need to say anything." She told him as her hand was on his racing heart.


Ryan came out of the OR room when seeing Lola lean up against a wall, "Wow, you're still here. What did you sleep in the waiting room?" He then questioned the teenager, "Look, I like him. All right, I do." Ryan stopped turning to look at Lola, "But he doesn't need to know that. Nobody needs to know that." Lola stated to Ryan.

The Grey male crossed his arms over his chest, "He needs you, and you're too worried about your friends think?" He questioned the girl, "What do you know about it? Do you know what it's be like for me, for him, if they knew? You think it's easy?"

Ryan shook his head at that, "I think it's better to be honest.. He's alive. Barely, but he's alive." He commented before he walked away from Lola, going to find an on-call room that he could sleep in.


"I broke up with Rose."

Ryan said when he came face to face with Izzie Stevens in his chlidhood home, "Ryan, I—" the Grey male looked at Izzie, "Please." He said to her, "I'm sorry about earlier,"

Ryan shook his head, "It's okay." His hand went to her cheek looking in between Izzie's eyes and down to her lips before he leaned and kissed the blonde headed resident.

Her hands were on Ryan's chest moving him back slightly, "I'm sorry." She apologised again as Ryan looked at her, "I know." He said when he leaned in again and kissed Izzie, again whose hands moved from Ryan's chest up to his cheeks kissing him more deeply as the two moved to her bedroom where Ryan closed her bedroom door shut with his foot.

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