Chapter 69: 30 AD, Capri, Caesarea, Mauretania, and Jerusalem

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Tiberius sat down to the usual mess on the tablinum in his office. News of the recapture of another Aquila had set off celebrations throughout the Empire. That it was two descendants of Antony and a great-grandson of Vercingetorix added to the mysique. The public could not get enough of Bolt, Beaky, and Artos. Their plaster busts were everywhere, in all colors and sizes, along with those of Antony and Vercingetorix. Everyone suddenly wanted Apollos, Bacchuses, Dying Gauls, and Alexanders in their courtyard gardens. Figurines of horses and eagles spilled out of shops.

The Senate offered an Ovation to Ptolemy and Lucius. Tiberius agreed, but had a further reward in mind for Ptolemy. The grandson of Antony and Cleopatra had kept his people firmly on the side of Rome, working for years to pacify most of the Berber tribes. He was not the commander that Juba, General Marcus, Gaius, or Lucius were, but he was competent enough, and a thorough administrator. Tiberius decided to formally make him an ally of Rome, and ordered Julius Antonius to select a delegation of Senators to travel to Ceasarensis to make the presentation of the honors, and conduct the Ovation in the Mauretanian capital, which would alleviate any fuss about coming to Rome or Capri. Domitius Lepidus, with a Praetorian honors team, would retrieve the Eagle, Standard, and battle honors of III Augusta.

Tiberius found a letter from Senator Domitius Lepidus Ahenobarbus, Sr., sometime husband of Antonia Major, and grandfather of Lepida, Domitius, Aemilia, and the rest of the pack, beseeching the release of Aemilia from Pandetera on compassionate grounds. Raddled with drink, her mind had broken under the strain of her confinement. She believed that she had been with Augustus, Mark Antony, Juba, and many more. She had her own small Dying Gaul statuette, and it was the love of her life. She was insane and harmless. Ahenobarbus wanted her returned to her grandmother. Tiberius agreed, but ordered Nero more closely confined. He was to have no contact with anyone save his mother, sisters, and Bolt, who continued to reach out to him for reasons only he knew. Bolt was now writing to Gemellus, as well.

The Emperor looked over the rosters for the enlarged base at Antioch. Gaius was ailing. He had collapsed on the parade ground with a mild stroke. It was time for the two oldest Antonius brothers to retire. Marcus would remain as acting governor. Lucius would be regional commander. Bricius would command XII, with Barca as Second, young Lucas Vorenus as Prefectus. Gallinus would now be the Legate for VI, with Curio as Broad-Stripe, and Young Canidius as Prefectus. II Matrona would return to Gaul, to be replaced by one of the auxillia units from Iberia. They, too, were Celts, but more Romanized and, thus, more manageable.

That left Gaul. Old Quintillus Appius had died in his sleep during an afternoon nap. His son Quintus was his heir and now, King of the Arverni, a role Vercingetorix had once held. Whether Pilate liked it or not, Appius was required in Gaul. Tiberius drafted the order. Appius would base in Gergovia, with command of a reconstituted III Augusta and II Matrona. Artos would accompany his uncle as a civillian secretary, and join II as a provisional cadet at seventeen. There were midwives in Gergovia, so Antylla could train there if she wished. Beaky would become Legatus of XIV Gemina, as his father had been, and Tiberius himself had been, and would base in Lugdunum, with an experienced general officer to mentor him, Castillus Bricius.

Tiberius next turned his attention to Caesarea and Jerusalem. In a move that he knew would frost Pilate, he appointed Bolt as a Legatus, with command over both fortresses. Normally, an auxillia was commanded by a Prefect, but Tiberius intended to keep Pilate out of military affairs and create an independent region in Judea. He detached Cohors III from the Italian Band, and created a new Samaritan Auxilliary, with Gabinius as Prefect, based out of Sebaste. There were slots to fill. Flavius Messala would remain as Prefectus Equitum in Caesarea. Marcellus Gallio would remain in Jerusalem with the equivalent rank of Prefectus Alae. Young Aetius would retain command of Cohors I, and Valerillus Messala would take over Cohors II. Tiberius needed Domitius Lepidus to remain near Sejanus, and he hoped Domitius could find something valuable and soon.

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