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The sun was high and burning everything under it, the soft usual ocean breeze hadn't made its appearance yet but the sound of the waves crashing in the distance was something that Bea liked to hear as sat over the metal bridge watching her brother talk to the raptors below her feet. Since her arrival, the girls, like Bea liked to call them, had become used to her presence and after Owen had a fit when Delta and Charlie had tried to attack her, they had tried to stay away from Bea.

Bea had managed to make Echo and Blue "like her" if that was possible, the two raptors didn't seem bothered by her presence and Blue had even snapped at Charlie when she tried to make a move to bite Bea. Below her dangling feet, Owen was throwing mice at the raptors, Bea smiled and admired the way her brother had been able to control creatures that no man had ever managed to control.

"Aren't you going to be late?" asked a husky voice. Bea looked up and squinted her eyes as Barry's form appeared looking down at her.

"For what?" asked Bea as she shield her eyes with her left hand.

"Aren't your friends getting here on the cruise of this week?" asked Barry, he crossed his arms over his chest and looked at the girl he had come to love like a sister.

"Holy shit!" barked Bea, she pushed herself up and tripped over her own feet, Barry grabbed her arm before she could even start to fall and looked at her, a scolding glare over his face. "Sorry about the shit thing" Bea chuckled as she rolled her eyes "I forgot they were coming"

"How did you forget?" asked Barry "I thought you would be excited to have them here"

"I thought that too" whispered Bea, she cleaned the back of her shorts and took a deep breath "It's just been difficult since everything that happened, you know?"

"Hey, if you don't feel ok with them, you can always hide here with us" smiled Barry "Besides, they gave you a fully payed stay at the hotel, huh, sound cool don't you think?"

"Well" laughed Bea, she looked down at her phone, she was surprised to see she had three texts from her friends "I don't think those payed vacations are making Claire like me more than she already does"

"If it makes you feel better, she hates Owen too"

Bea laughed loudly, the raptors looked up at her and Charlie snapped her jaws, taking a step forward all though Bea was in the safety zone up there.

"Hey!" barked Owen as he pointed at the raptor "I see you Charlie, I don't like that attitude, you hear me?" he clicked the clicker and Charlie turned her attention back to Owen.

"I'm gonna get going" smiled Bea, she glanced at her brother down in the raptor cage with his four not so baby girls and then turned to look at Barry "I might come back sooner than later"

"Have fun kid" smiled Barry.

Bea gave Barry one last smile before she turned around and walked away, she passed Hoskins as she walked down the ladder, the young woman tried to ignore him as he checked her out for the third time that day; the man was old enough to be her father and all he ever did was check her out when they crossed paths, it couldn't be worse.

Bea pulled her light hair into a high pony tail as she walked towards the reddish Jeep she had claimed for herself a month ago when she had arrived to the park; with the sun burning over her shoulders, Bea looked for the keys inside her short's pocket and in a blink of an eye she was driving away from the raptor holding den and was making her way back to the park at full speed.

Bea had turned into an expert when it came to avoiding the other dinosaurs as she drove like a mad person through the shortcuts that Owen had showed her. She knew Lowery had her back when it came to Claire, he wouldn't give the woman her exact location if he saw her driving in the shortcuts, he knew that Claire would have her ass shipped back to the mainland if she knew Bea didn't drive through the correct paths.

The young woman glanced rapidly at her phone and then back to the road just in time to turn the wheel as fast as she could to the left to avoid crashing into a Stegosaurus, the animal barely glanced at her as the Jeep rushed past it and down the pastures to get to the park as fast as it could.

"Oh god I would never hear the end of it if I crashed into that big guy" whispered Bea as she started to slow down and maneuvered towards one of the main roads to get to the park, she had saved ten minutes and was sure that she could make it to the ships before her friends walked down and found that Bea had forgotten they were coming.


Zach sulked behind his brother as they walked down from the cruise, Gray had been talking Zach's ears off and nothing Zach said made him shut up; and he really had tried everything. In front of Gray a group of pretty girls were talking and giggling, overly excited about the park. Zach had been checking them out since they had gotten on the cruise and although Gray had been speaking since the day before, Zach had managed to tune him out as he watched the girls.

Gray stopped and looked around, Zach stopped behind him and he was glad the girls in front of them had stopped too and were looking around; one of them, a red head with short hair was texting rapidly on her phone, a frown over her face.

"I'm sure she forgot" barked a curly brunette.

"I texted her like seven times, she couldn't forget!" barked the girl that was texting.

"Look, she's waiting for us" said Gray, Zach followed his brother's pointing finger and saw a woman with a sign that had their names.

"Where's Aunt Claire?" asked Zach, a frown forming over his face; yes he was a twenty year old guy but he couldn't help it but feel disappointed that their aunt hadn't been there to greet them.

"You know how she is" sighed Gray, his happiness drained for a few seconds as the brothers made their way towards the dark haired woman.

"Where's my aunt?" asked Zach as they reached the woman "We were expecting.... But his sentence was cut short as a girl crashed violently against his shoulder and almost threw him to the ground.

Zach turned around to find his "attacker" turning around to look at him, her run turning into a jog and Zach couldn't help but think she was beautiful.

"I'm so sorry!" she said as she raised her shoulders "I didn't see you there! Sorry!" her eyes drifted to the woman that had been waiting for them and her eyes darkened "Zara nice to see you out in the sun" and with that she turned away and jogged towards the group of girls that had been walking in front of Zach and Gray.

"Ugh" Zach heard the woman, Zara, say, he turned around to look at her "Let's ignore her and I will take you to the hotel"

"Who is her?" asked Zach as Zara started to walk with Gray bouncing around near them.

"The sister of one of our trainers" answered Zara in a cutting way, Zach looked over his shoulder to find the girl laughing with her friends as they made their way behind Zach and a few other tourists.

"Is he ever going to stop running around like that?" asked Zara, Zach turned to look at the woman as she eyed Gray.

"No" answered Zach "He won't"

"Fantastic" whispered Zara in her thick accent.

Zach rolled his eyes, it was obvious the woman hadn't liked them, but to be honest, he wasn't liking the woman back at all; he watched as his brother got on a few mechanical stairs just as Zara and Zach followed and he couldn't help but smile, the divorce of their parents had been hard on Gray and seeing him happy like that made Zach smile.

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