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Owen was leaning forward over his bike as he took a turn to the left, he could hear screams behind him and the fact that he didn't have a visual over the raptors scared him more than the lost bullets that the InGen army was shooting around. Against his better judgment, Owen looked over his right shoulder to see if Barry was behind him, he turned back to the road as his heart contracted; his friend was nowhere to be seen.

"God damn it Barry" thought Owen as he rode around a tree "Where are you?!"

Owen was passed by another bike, an InGen bike, the man over it was screaming as he recklessly drove through the forest, almost throwing Owen off his own bike. Next to them Owen heard something snap and he glanced by the rear of his eyes to watch as Delta jumped over a log and landed over the InGen biker and they rolled over the floor, the bike sliding away as the man screamed trying to defend himself from Delta.

Owen barely had time to stop his bike and turn it the way he had been coming through, Delta had ripped the man's throat out and was picking at his hands now; Owen gulped and started off the road he had been escaping from.

"I have to get back to the den" thought Owen, the image of his sister and Claire and her nephews waiting for his call made him press down on the accelerator and his bike jumped forward as he heard Delta starting to run behind him.

Owen reached the spot where the I-Rex had taken over his pack of raptors to find at least five dead men lying on the floor; he stopped the bike and pulled out his hand gun, he loved the girls but he wasn't going to let them kill him.

"AHHHH! NOO!" a cry reached Owen, and he recognized it almost immediately.

"Barry" he whispered.

Owen turned his bike to the direction of the sound just to get a glimpse of Delta launching herself towards Owen; Owen ducked, Delta's rear claws missing him by an inch as the spectacular raptor landed gracefully and turned to face Owen, she crouched, ready to jump again and roared.

Owen didn't lose time, he kicked his bike to life and shot into the growing darkness towards the sound of his friend's screams; Delta running behind him. Owen knew that if he didn't get rid of Delta before he reached Barry, the raptor would attack them both and it would be a difficult attack to survive.

"I'm sorry, Del" whispered Owen, his right hand was ripped off the handle and he turned back, holding the bike steady with his right hand; he looked at the beautiful raptor that he had raised and his heart shrank as he pulled the trigger.


The bullet crossed the distance between Owen and Delta and hit the dinosaur on her left shoulder, Delta screeched in pain and slowed her pace, behind Delta a noise came, Owen recognized it as one of her sisters calling for her. Delta looked back and then turned to look at Owen, he had his back to he and was almost out of sight, but Delta decided to go see what Echo was calling her for.

Owen could still hear his best friend screaming and that gave him hope, he drove almost all the way up the dirt road and stopped when he saw Barry's four wheel Yamaha; he looked around, nearby gun shots and Barry's screams making it hard for Owen to find the direction of Barry.

"BLUE!" cried Barry's voice.


Barry had been the luckiest person on earth, just after Blue had knocked him off his Yamaha an InGen guy in another four wheel had hit Blue with the vehicle and had given him the chance to scrambled to his feet and rush towards a fallen log that had ended up being a hallow log and he crawled inside, hearing as Blue killed the man that had hit her with the car.

Barry listened closely as the InGen guy died and then he couldn't hear Blue anymore, he held his breath, he had helped Owen raise these girls, they had accepted him and he knew that just as he was waiting for her to make a sound, Blue was waiting for him to give away his location.

But Barry had forgotten about the raptors excellent sense of smell and Blue had rapidly located Barry; she walked silently towards the log and jumped over it as she cried with anger and decision. Barry screamed as the raptor landed over the log and started to hit it with her head and her sharp jaws.

It came down to this, he was going to get killed by the same animals he had helped raise.

The raptor's claws went through the log, Barry had pulled out his hand gun but Blue's sharp claws dug through his skin and all he was able to scream was her name.


The raptor stopped and looked down through the hole she had just made, Barry looked at her, panting, the raptor cocked her head to the left and roared before she was pushed off the log by a rock that hit her on the chest.

"Barry run!" cried Owen.

Blue roared with rage and jumped over the log as Barry heard Owen's bike start and drive off at full speed with Blue screeching and running behind him. Barry panted and poked his head out of the log, he looked around and rushed towards his four wheel, he jumped over it and started it just as he heard a gunshot coming from the direction Owen had taken.

"Thank you my friend" whispered Barry to Owen before he drove off through a road that he knew would lead him back to the park; things had just gone to hell entirely.



Hey guys! I'm sorry if this is annoying :S, but in case you guys are looking for something to read my cousin has this cool story called I See You, her name is DBLukaukis, so if you want please check it out :D

Thank you!!! And thank you for all the reads and votes!!! :3 It means a lot to me

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