06 Clara

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Clara POV.

After Arthur walks in, he goes straight to the bedroom on the second floor. The door isn't closed tightly, and I hear some water sounds inside. He's taking a shower.

Then he comes out, tells me to take a shower, and throws me a clean T-shirt to change into.

The T-shirt is so big on me and feels like a nightgown. I change into it and lay down on the sofa.

The sofa is large and soft, and the air conditioning is set to a constant 25 degrees. Compared to my shabby little house, this place is heaven.

Just as I'm dozing off, something suddenly lands on me.

I open my eyes and see a thin blanket. When I look at the door of Arthur's bedroom, it's already closed, followed by the sound of locking.


Does he really think I'm a pervert?

The F1 race is still ongoing. A few days later, I fly to Austin with Arthur. He wins the championship at the Austin station, earning 25 points and temporarily ranking first in the standings.

Then comes the summer break in August. The weather is hot, and competition will be suspended for a month.

On the first night of the summer break, the drivers go out to dinner together.

When I rush over after receiving Arthur's call, I see him holding an empty wine glass, his cheeks flushed.

How much did he drink? I help him out of the private box, and he leans against me.

Arthur's outfit today is simple, a white T-shirt, jeans, and a black hat.

On the way to the parking lot, Arthur suddenly squints and says, "Hot..." then reaches out to lift his T-shirt.

I'm shocked and quickly hold his hand, and say in a coaxing tone, "Take it off when we get home. We're almost there."

Then I lead him to the entrance of the underground parking lot.

But the next moment, Arthur suddenly stands up straight, as if startled awake. His reaction is quick; he takes off his hat and puts it on my head.

I don't know what's happening and look at him blankly.

Then he presses my head with his hand and pushes the brim of the hat down, then softly leans against me again.


I take him home, watch him drink a glass of honey water, and then go back to my own home to sleep.

The next morning, I open my eyes to turn off the alarm on my phone, and I am immediately attracted by a hot search notification.

"Arthur Taylor went out drinking with his new girlfriend, and act very intimate."

I quickly click on it and see two photos of Arthur and me in the underground parking lot. One is a back shot with him leaning on me, and the other is a front shot, but he has already stood up straight, and his hat is on my head, covering most of my face.

I suddenly feel puzzled. Was he really drunk last night? How could he be aware of paparazzi then?

And the comments from netizens are also interesting:

"Arthur changes girlfriends faster than he changes clothes."

"I thought he always liked sexy babes? What's happening now?"

"One eats too much meat, gotta have some veggies for a change."


Just as my confidence is shattering, Arthur suddenly calls me and asks me to come to his house.

I rush over and find Mateo there too.

He's ranting about Arthur in the villa, saying, "It's normal for an assistant to take the drunk boss home. Why did you cover Rose's face? Now netizens are curious about who Rose is."

Arthur's tone is quite calm, "As you said, I was drunk."

Mateo gets annoyed, "Do you think your reputation is good now?"

He sarcastically remarks to Arthur, "Last time when you were drunk, you attacked the paparazzi who were taking your pictures. Why did you cover your assistant's face this time?"

"Covering her face is even worse than covering your own face. The picture's resolution is so high, I can't even deny that it's not you! Even if I explain she's your assistant, no one will believe it now!"

Arthur impatiently heads upstairs, "I'm tired."

Mateo angrily slams the door and leaves.

I stand in the living room and watch the two people disappear in different directions. So, why did Arthur call me here?

"I want fish! Remember to pick out the bones!" Arthur's voice comes from the bedroom.

After preparing the meal, I call Arthur downstairs and leave with a bag of garbage.

Suddenly, Arthur's voice sounds behind me, "What are you carrying?"

I stop, afraid to turn around.

Arthur steps closer, then reaches out to pull me around to face him.

He looks me up and down, then says, "Did you steal my clothes?"

I shake my head repeatedly, "No, no, you gave it to me to throw away."

It's a nearly new men's down jacket sitting in the corner of the closet. Before going to Belgium, I helped Arthur pack his luggage. When he saw the jacket, he said the style was too old and asked me to throw it away.

Then I think about how cold it gets in the winter in New York, and since my rental doesn't have heating, I want to secretly take it home to use as a thick blanket.

Arthur raises his voice, "I told you to throw it away, not to wear it yourself!"

I avoid his gaze awkwardly.

Then he suddenly lowers his head and meets my eyes, "Do you like me so much that you can't help but collect even my clothes?"

My face suddenly becomes hot, and I'm so nervous that I almost stutter, "No..., really not..."

"No?!" Arthur sneers, then walks to the table, and points at the meal I made, "Then what's this?"

Athletes need a lot of protein, so besides fish, I also made him a fried egg.

The fried egg is heart-shaped and still steaming.

"Don't do any of these useless little tricks again!" He warns me, but then eats it all.

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