Chapter 37 Kyle

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Kyle POV.

On the weekend, I go to see Clara again.

This time I brought a bigger backpack. I unzip it, take out wads of cash and hand it to her, "Clara, your house is so small, not even as big as my bathroom. I brought some money for you to get a bigger house!"

I'm excited, and I make gestures with my hands as I talk.

But Clara furrows her brows, pushes the money back into the backpack, zips it up, and pushes it back to me.

I stand there, stunned.

She asks, "How did you come here?"

"By car!" I answer. This time I came out of the villa openly, so I took the car directly.

Then I ask, "Why don't you like money?"

Clara looks at me for a moment, sighs softly, "Who brought you here? Your dad? Or someone else?"

Clara doesn't like my gift. It makes me feel a bit lost. "But my grandpa said adults really like this."

Clara lowers her voice, "Kyle!"

She's probably really angry, so I think for a moment, then say, "My dad doesn't want me. He thinks I'm troublesome and told me to come find you."

Now Clara purses her lips into a straight line, "He thinks you're troublesome?"

I nod.

She's silent for a moment, then asks again, "Your dad told you to bring the money?"

I nod again. If Clara doesn't like the gift, it certainly can't be from me.

"Is this alimony... or is he getting married..."

As Clara mutters to herself, I'm pushing open the door, ready to go find the big black dog at the village entrance.

Clara is really good at making bread, she even makes them into bunny shapes. After eating, I take out the last one to show off to the kids in the village. But they start fighting over the bread, so Clara has to make more.

I'm not happy that Clara is making bread for other kids, so I hold onto her hand and won't let her give it to them. Then Clara became angry.

Apart from that, everything is fine.

On Monday, she's taking me back to kindergarten, but I don't want to go. I say my dad won't let me go to school anymore.

Clara stands there, her mouth once again purses into a straight line.

But she still insists on taking me to school and tells my teacher that she must contact my family after school.

Then in the afternoon, my dad comes to pick me up, and after talking with the teacher in the office for a while, he takes me back home.

"What did you do over the weekend?" he asks as he looks at me.

My dad is strange now, he never used to ask me such questions before.

After I report truthfully, he says, "Then you can go there every weekend from now on."

I think of a question, "Do I still need to go to school?"

"Yes, your mom wants you to do this, and we should listen to her."

I nod.

Actually, I'm quite willing to go to school now. Today I told my classmates that my mom can make little bunny bread, and they were all jealous.

Time flies by from spring to summer, and Clara's house is filled with toys I've brought now.

One day, when I come back from school, there's only me and my grandpa at dinner, my dad isn't here.

Grandpa asks the butler, "Is he on a business trip?"

The butler stays silent for two seconds, "He went to Huston Valley."

Then grandpa gets angry and goes upstairs to the bedroom without even eating dinner.

The next day, my dad shows up at the breakfast table.

I ask him if he went to see Clara, but he says, "Kids shouldn't worry about adult matters," then goes back to his room.

I'm very offended. It's not fair. Whenever he asked me how I was doing at Clara's, I always answered seriously.

So I go find Leo, my dad's driver.

Leo is the butler's son. My dad had an accident before, so he's afraid to drive, and he got Leo to drive for him.

When I find Leo, he's polishing the car in the garage. I grab the corner of his clothes and ask him what my dad did yesterday.

But Leo says it's private, my dad wouldn't like it.

So I keep bothering him, clinging to his legs like a monkey, not letting him go.

He finally gives in, "Okay. But you can't tell anyone."

I extend my fist and bump it against his, "Deal."

Leo says, my dad went to Huston Valley while it was raining. He called Clara's name in the rain for a long time, but she wouldn't open the door. It was almost dawn when my dad let Leo drive him back.

After hearing this story, I purse my lips. No wonder my dad didn't tell me, it's too embarrassing.

But when I see my dad feeding the fish by the pond in the garden with two dark circles under his eyes, I feel a bit sorry for him.

Those fish are older than me.

I was naughty once and went to catch fish with a net, he spanked me.

That was the first and only time he spanked me.

Later I found out, those were Clara's fish.

Well, well.

I'm a kind kid, so I might as well give him some tips on how to get into Clara's house.

Knock on the door, then kick it, and finally cry loudly.

That's how I got in.

But then I remembered my agreement with Leo. Forget it, let this idiot dad figure it out himself.

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