Chapter 41 Kyle

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Kyle POV.

I used to go through drawers.

Once, I found a diamond ring in my dad's bedside drawer. I don't know when he bought it, but it has always been in the drawer.

If I were him, I would take out the diamond ring now and put it on Clara's hand when she's around.

But he's sleeping soundly in bed now, and he doesn't know Clara is sitting beside him.

It's still raining outside, the wind is strong, Clara tucks his exposed arm under the blanket, and then Dad wakes up.

He squints at Clara for a moment, then suddenly reaches out to grab her wrist to check for something.

"No injuries this time?" he says, incredulous.

Then he looks up, "And you let me touch you?" His tone turns cheerful.

Clara doesn't say anything, she just holds his hand and tucks it under the blanket.

He closes his eyes again and chuckles.

I'm peeking from the doorway when suddenly the butler picks me up from behind.

"What are you...?"

"Shh..." the butler covers my mouth, "He has been having nightmares for years, and today he can finally have a good dream."

"Let him sleep a little longer."

But I'm not really concerned about nightmares or good dreams. I just feel that if Clara really stayed, she should sleep with me.

When I wake up the next morning, Clara is gone.

The butler says she went back to Huston Valley.

I'm still mad at Clara, but on Saturday morning, I still decide to go to her house.

As soon as I enter, I start ordering dishes from her, telling her I want bunny bread, fish, fried shrimp...

This time I brought an airplane model. I show off by flying the plane around Clara with the remote control.

Clara looks a bit helpless, then she says she made me a scarf.

"I saw some sky blue yarn at the train station grocery store. And I thought you would look nice if I knitted it into a scarf for you."

"So soon?" She just left two days ago.

"It's just a plain blue wool scarf." She lowers her eyes, "Come here, I'll put it on you."

I look at myself in the mirror for a while, then take the plane out to play with the village kids.

Clara calls after me, "Take off the scarf, it's not that cold yet..."

I say, "I like wearing it now, I don't feel hot at all."

I run around the village for some time, then back home; I'm sweating on my head and back.

I undo the scarf and put it on the table, telling Clara not to touch it.

Clara nods, purses her lips, and continues cooking.

I go out again. The kids in the village all like this plane and want to play with it. Except for the big black dog, he seems to see the plane as a big bird intruding into his territory, and he keeps barking at the plane.

It's almost lunchtime, we agree to meet at the village entrance after lunch.

Then I run home.

I see a familiar car parked outside the yard from a distance.

I walk through the yard and see the door open.

"It seems a bit short, but I still like it." Dad is facing away from the door, talking to Clara, who is holding a spatula.

I'm almost furious.

"That's mine!" I pant, staring at the blue scarf around his neck.

He turns to look at me, pauses, then turns to Clara, "So, you're nice to everyone but me?"

What is he saying! I'm his son, how could he take his son's things?

I snatch the scarf back and put it back on my neck, sitting next to him on a small stool waiting to eat.

At the dining table, my bowl has the most rice, theirs are only half full. Clearly, Clara gave him half of hers.

He also realizes this, pushing his bowl towards Clara, "You eat, I've already eaten."

Clara looks up at him.

He looks at Clara, then at my blue scarf, feeling himself a bit redundant, stands up and says, "Forget it, I'll leave, enjoy your lunch."

Then, in the next second, Clara also suddenly stands up.

She seems to want him to stay.

But he walks too fast and has already left.

He didn't see anything.

I silently eat my rice, deciding not to tell him.

He deserved it for sneaking my scarf on.

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