Chapter 33 Arthur

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Arthur POV.

I instruct the butler to find someone and renovate the house. Two days later, all the windows in the villa have been replaced with non-opening toughened glass, and the air purification exhaust system works 24 hours a day.

I want to keep Clara by my side. I won't let her escape again.

But Clara is withering away at a rapid pace. Her belly is getting bigger every day, but her body is rapidly thinning. She no longer wants to talk to me or eat properly.

I'm very worried, coaxing her patiently every day, but she doesn't listen.

"How can I make you willing to have this baby?" I kneel beside the bed, dejectedly holding her hand.

"After you give birth to this baby, I'll open a restaurant for you, okay? You can go out to work every day. I'll also buy you a car, so you can commute by yourself."

I look at Clara's profile, trying to understand her thoughts.

A few seconds later, I lick my lips and say softly, "But the doctor said you should rest for a while after delivery, maybe about six months..."

Clara suddenly closes her eyes. But this time, she doesn't cry. There's a desperate calmness and deep exhaustion on her face.

"You don't seem like the kind of person who likes children or taking care of others," she says. "What do you really want?"

I pause, caught off guard by Clara's question. But looking at her face, I confess my desires, "I just want you to be like you used to be..."

My voice gets smaller and smaller, until it's barely a whisper.

I've always been ashamed to admit it, but I fell in love with Clara from the beginning. Not because she massaged my shoulders, cooked for me every day, or waked me up... She always put me first, she's the first woman who made me feel like I'm genuinely loved.

We're so close that Clara hears every word I say.

She half-opens her eyes, looking very weak. After a while, she speaks in a tone on the verge of collapse, "So you're using the child to tie me down?"

Under the warm orange light of the bedside lamp, I suddenly have a distinct premonition that it would be more difficult to suppress my love for Clara than my own temper in the days to come.

In fact, I loved Clara first, but the phrase "I'm sorry" is not in my dictionary. I've done a lot of wrong to her, but I'll never admit it.

Only by hating Clara can I always be the winner in front of her. But tonight, I'm completely defeated in front of Clara, who doesn't even shed a tear.

"No, that's not it... that's not it..." I stroke her back gently, trying to say something to make her less sad under the warm orange light. "Let's just have this one baby, okay? I won't let you get pregnant again in the future."

I try to throw in more bargaining chips, holding Clara in my arms, "I'll... I'll be nicer to you in the future..."

Clara doesn't speak to me anymore. She's cold all over, so I put her in bed and hug her. Her feet are also cold, so I move them between my thighs to warm them up. She always keeps her back to me, silent like a statue.

In the fifth month of Clara's pregnancy, I suddenly realize that having a child doesn't mean Clara will be willing to take on the responsibilities of a mother and stay with me.

It's only me who wants to live with Clara and build a family together.

On this night, I make a wish to the full moon outside the window. I hope our child will be a pretty little girl, and I hope Clara will like her more. Maybe then Clara won't hate her father so much.

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