Chapter 25 Arthur

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Arthur POV.

As if to confirm Emma's words, the next day Clara starts refusing to eat.

She stares at the table full of dishes, sitting there quietly.

The butler tries to persuade her a few times, but seeing no response from her, he nervously looks up at me.

"Just go out," I say. "I'll take care of her here."

After they all leave, I look at Clara with a cold face, fists clenched. Actually, Clara refused to eat either when she was first locked up here. But back then, I would torment her in bed until she begged for food; now, even if I threaten her with a knife, she won't react at all.

I take a deep breath, pull out my phone, and dial Emma's number.

Silence on the other end.

I frown, break the silence, and say, "She refuses to eat, come over tomorrow and take a look."

Emma snorts coldly.

I continue, "Bring the medicine."

Then, without waiting for her response, I hang up.

Time passes by, the steaming dishes on the table gradually cool down.

I suddenly stand up, throw my phone onto the table, and walk over to Clara, sitting down next to her, not very gently turning her to face me, then picking up a fish taco, holding it near her mouth.

"Open your mouth," I command her, my tone even harsh to my own ears.

She blinks and meet my gaze.

But her eyes remain dull.

I take a deep breath and patiently repeat, "Open your mouth."

This time it seems a bit gentler.

After several rounds of persuasion and emphasis like this, Clara finally obediently opens her mouth and swallows the fish taco.

When she smears the sauce on her mouth like a kindergarten child, surprisingly, I remain calm without losing my temper.

I turn around, get a napkin, and slowly wipe her mouth clean.

Clara has become like this now, all because of me. I know every time I lose my temper, she gets scared. The smart and considerate Clara has been slowly killed by me.

Our roles have completely reversed now, and it's my turn to take care of her.

After dinner, I call the butler in and ask, "How's the pond prepared?"

Clara is now sitting on the sofa, her figure is so thin that she looks like she has sunk inside.

The butler bends slightly, "It's all set, they're cutting the ice to move all the koi to the new pond."

I nod.

Spring hasn't arrived yet, it's still freezing outside, so I had someone build a temperate water pond in the basement. Clara likes watching fish, and she can do it at home now.

There's transparent glass above the pond, I enter the basement, looking up at the gloomy sky. Snowflakes fall on the glass, distorting the sky into mottled patches.

Clara lies motionless on the lounge chair next to the pond, looking as pale as the weather.

Her favorite white koi sinks to the bottom of the water, also lifeless, barely moving its tail for several minutes.

I cover her with a thin blanket, and sit next to her with my laptop and start working.

Several hours later, she finally closes her eyes.

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