Chapter 15 Clara

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Clara POV.

All of a sudden, I receive a strange text message, with only an address on it, an abandoned warehouse in the suburbs.

I rush there, the further I go, the emptier it becomes around me, but I dare not slow down. I don't know what those people might do to Giulia.

As I approach the warehouse gate and step inside, suddenly someone rushes from behind and grabs my arm.

Giulia is tied to a chair, and when she sees me, she starts struggling uncontrollably.

John walks over, cigarette in hand.

"Long time no see," I smile.

He also smiles, blowing smoke rings in my face, "Didn't you say you'd pay back in installments?"

The person behind me lifts my arm, causing me pain and sweat, "What do you want her to do? It's not like she borrowed money from you." "Tsk, look, you borrowed money for this patient. It's all because you couldn't hold it back and wanted to go see her, otherwise, we wouldn't have found her, right?"

"Didn't I already pay back part of it?"

"What good is that little money? I heard you're having an affair with a racer? Then you should have money, why are you still in debt?"

He kicks me in the abdomen. I fall to the ground, coughing violently from the pain.

"I'll pay back... Just give me some more time."

"More time?" John's mouth curls into a malicious smile, he looks back at me, then shifts his gaze to Giulia, "I wonder if she can hold on."

I struggle to get up, but they push me back down.

"To be honest, this girl is quite pretty. What if I sell both of you to a brothel? What do you think?"

Giulia is completely frightened, struggling, tears streaming down her face.

Suddenly, the blood in my body turns cold. I break free and rush to Giulia, protecting her, then growl at the others, "If you dare touch her, you won't get a penny!"

My body trembles, but I stand tall, protecting the girl behind me. "Giulia's and my lives aren't worth anything to you. Only if we're alive can you get more benefits."

John seems moved, he smiles a bit, then gestures for the others to step back. "When's the latest you can pay back?"

I pause. "A week, I'll bring the money to you next Monday."

"What if you break your promise?"

"I won't," I shake my head, "She's my sister, I won't let my sister take risks."

"Alright, I trust you for the last time."

Giulia's body is already weak, now she's running a fever, her skin burning up.

John leaves with his group.

I untie Giulia and whisper to her, "Don't be afraid, I'll take you back to the hospital now..." Giulia is half-conscious, I carry her out of the warehouse, then hail a taxi on the nearest street. The weather is getting colder, the cold wind cuts like a knife against my face.

Finally, when I get her back to the hospital and the doctor says she's okay for now, I breathe a sigh of relief.

There's a big screen in the hospital corridor, I look up and see news about Arthur playing on TV. Tomorrow is the F1 final, and his father is still hyping up the F2 race Arthur lost years ago, fueling his revenge, and speculating that Arthur will definitely be the F1 champion this year.

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