Chapter 38 Kyle

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Kyle POV.

Leo says my dad goes to see Clara once a week now.

Clara never opens the door for him, so he stands outside talking to her by himself, peering through the crack in the door.

He asks why Kyle can go in, but he can't.

He also says he is getting better.

Then Clara replies, 'A leopard can not change its spots.'

He can't stand it and complains that he's never met such a heartless woman like Clara in his life.

Clara retorts, 'Then go find Elisabeth. Who asked you to come here?'

When I hear this, I ask Leo who Elisabeth is. Leo shakes his head, saying he doesn't know.

So, I ask the butler. He thinks for a moment, and says it's not important.

My dad often gets frustrated with Clara now. But a few minutes later, he comes back to talk to her again.

One day when my dad went to Clara's, she was not home, only the lights were on.

My dad was so anxious that he knocked on the door while calling Clara's name and accidentally knocked the door down.

He then told Leo to find someone to fix the door. He said there's no need to replace it or patch the crack; just reattach it.

But Leo revealed that Clara was just buying groceries at the market and forgot to turn off the lights.

When Clara returned with the groceries, she found the door lying on the floor and they met finally face to face.

It's dinner time when I hear this.

I go to the bathroom to wash my hands and then head to the dining room.

My dad is waiting for me there, arms crossed, and a serious look on his face. 'Did you tell Clara I don't want you anymore?!' he accuses.

I remain silent for a moment.

'And did you go to find her with cash in your backpack?!'

I don't like his accusatory tone, and I'm getting annoyed. 'I told you I wanted to get Clara a gift!'

He throws me the backpack full of cash and commands, 'Take it back to your room!'

'Just because of you, Clara said, if I find you troublesome, I can just give you to her to raise!'

I glare at him, thinking to myself, I don't want to be here either, Clara's temper is much better than yours.

The butler comes over, picks up the backpack for me, and takes me back to my room, comforting me, 'Your dad isn't angry with you; he's just angry with himself.'

I don't understand.

On Saturday, I go to Clara's house again and find she's got a new door, that fits perfectly into the frame without a crack.

Clara says she's making onion cabbage soup today and asks me to pick a cabbage from the yard. I

've never picked cabbage before, so I squat in the yard, trying to find the biggest and freshest one.

Just then, a villager comes looking for Clara to borrow a screwdriver.

Then she walks past me with the screwdriver, and asks, 'Whose child are you? Why are you messing with other people's cabbage?'

I stand up with the cabbage, chest puffed out, and proudly say, 'I'm Clara's son. Clara is my mom.'

Only after I say it do I realize what I just said.

I suddenly feel nervous and turn to look at Clara's face, but she's standing by the doorframe, head lowered, not saying anything.

Later, I hand her the cabbage, but she still doesn't look at me, her hands trembling.

I ask if she's sick, and she says it's just a bit windy and she feels cold.

I feel disappointed because she's lying to me. It's summer now; how could she feel cold?

I also feel disappointed because I've always known that Clara doesn't want to be my mom.

The onion cabbage soup is delicious, but I only take a few bites and then put down my spoon ang go out to kick stones.

I don't go back even when it's dark.

So, before going to bed, Clara asks if I miss New York since there's no amusement park or big mall here.

I pretend not to hear her question and don't answer.

This time, she sends me back early on Sunday night, and I don't speak to her the whole way.

She drops me off at the entrance of the neighborhood and asks the guard to contact the Taylor family. The butler quickly comes out and leads me back home, holding my hand.

But as soon as I reach the door, before I even put on my slippers, my dad rushes out hurriedly without even looking at me.

'Is he going on a business trip so late?' I ask the butler.

The butler shakes his head, 'He's probably going to reconcile with Clara.'

'Reconcile?' I widen my eyes. 'If they reconcile, will Clara be willing to be my mom?'

The butler falls silent.

My dad came back early in the morning.

I'm waken up by the sound of the car, and I sit up in bed, watch him get out of the car and then sit by the pond in the garden, and cry.

He's so embarrassed. Usually, he always tells me solemnly that men should never cry, yet here he is, crying in secret.

He's holding a bottle of wine, crying and drinking.

The butler is also woken up by him and gives him a blanket, saying it's chilly at night.

Then he hugs the butler and continues crying.

I put on my slippers and go downstairs, seeing Leo dragging my dad back to his room.

So, I ask the butler, 'Is Clara unwilling to be with him because she still loves her late husband?'

The butler is startled and says I'm too young to understand what a late husband is.

But of course I do.

First, when two people love each other very much, they make a commitment to each other, and become husband and wife.

But sometimes accidents happen.

Clara's husband died, so he became her late husband. After that, Clara met my dad.

At least my grandpa told me this.

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