Chapter 30 Arthur

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Arthur POV.

But the unpleasantness in life seems like it will never end. When Elisabeth appears in front of me for the third time, her eyes are slightly red: "You don't want to marry me because of that woman in your home, right?"

I'm a bit impatient, but I still hold back and explain to her: "This actually has nothing to do with you. Your father may not have made it clear to you..."

I pause, seeing Elisabeth still looking at me with that aggrieved expression, feeling like even if I explain it to her, she might not understand.

So I say succinctly, "Anyway, our two families can still continue to cooperate. In this cooperation plan, Taylor Group will offer a three percent discount."

I will bear the profits lost by the group myself, so even if my father proposes to remove me from the board, the shareholders won't agree. I've been doing well in recent years. It's time for him to retire.

But Elisabeth's eyes turn completely red: "I know wealthy men can't just live with one woman, as long as... as long as you don't bring her home, don't let me see her, is that okay?"

I almost burst out laughing: "Who told you that? Your dad?"

There have always been rumors in high society circles that her dad has made several half-siblings for her.

Now Elisabeth can't hold back anymore, tears streaming down her face.

I watch her cry, feeling a bit irritated.

I've been on a tough business trip in Europe, just returned to New York. I'm very hungry and haven't eaten yet.

So I say, "I'm going to a nearby restaurant, what about you?"

I figure she's so angry now that she probably doesn't want to stay with me for even one minute. If she says to go home or somewhere else, I can have my driver take her.

But the next second, her stomach growls.

Even she looks surprised.

I sigh, "Let's go, I'll treat you to lunch, then I'll have my driver take you home."

There's a newly opened Michelin-starred restaurant nearby, with an Italian chef.

Elizabeth and I walk there together, and as soon as we enter, I see a familiar figure behind the counter.

Clara? What's she doing here?

I stop suddenly, and so does Elizabeth behind me, her head hitting my back.

"What's wrong?" she asks.

And Clara hears the sound, sees me too.

She swallows, looks at me, then at Elisabeth who's already beside me, and looks away.

She pretends not to recognize me, straightens up, and asks me if I wanted a membership card.

I was about to explain, but when she handed me the card, avoiding eye contact, an angry laugh escaped my throat.

Clara trembles, her hand loosens, and the card falls onto the table.

The waiter beside her has been watching us and now comes over, picking up the card and handing it to me, "Sorry, sir."

I quietly stare at Clara until Elisabeth's gaze turns puzzled, then I take the card and stride into one of the private rooms.

And the voice of the waiter comes from behind, "Clara, are you okay..."

The restaurant has a nice environment, with music, and you can even see the lights of the fountain in the central square.

The food is also delicious, paired with Chianti flown in from Tuscany, it's a feast for the taste buds.

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