Chapter 17 Clara

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Clara POV.

When I open my eyes again, I see it's overcast outside through the slit of the curtains. I find myself lying on Arthur's bed, with bruises all over my body, and my lower body aching. Despite the pain, I sit up.

"Where are you going?" Arthur's voice suddenly comes from the corner, and I realize he's been in the room all along.

"I gotta go."

"To find Giulia?"

I don't know if it's the pain or seeing Arthur that makes me nervous, so I take a deep breath. "You know about her?"

"Yeah." He laughs, gets up from the couch, walks to the bed, and then throws a report onto me.

It contains my true information: Clara Maverick, from Hudson Valley. Orphaned at a young age, raised by neighbors. She married the neighbor's son at 20, who died six months later due to a hereditary blood disease. Then, the husband's sister fell ill too, she borrowed money at a high interest rate, changed her name, and brought her sister to New York for treatment.

After reading it, I look up into Arthur's eyes. I finally understand why he was so angry last night. "I didn't intend to use a fake name; I was trying to avoid debt collectors."

But Arthur sneers and says affirmatively, "You know massage because of your late husband."

I fall silent for a moment.

"You cooked for me, bought me a birthday cake, and pleased me in bed, all because of your late husband's request to take care of his sister."

I fall silent again, then hesitate before softly calling his name, "Arthur."

"So, from start to finish, nothing you did was genuine for me." He applauds. "You're such a good actress. And I, stupidly, gave up the finals for you."

"Excuse me," I say. Actually, if it weren't for him saving me yesterday, I might be dead by now. But he was also an abuser last night. I can't bring myself to say thank you or sorry. I just say, "I want to leave here first."

I throw off the covers, put on my shoes; I need to go to the hospital to see Giulia. But he rushes over and grabs my collar.

"If that man named Henry really loves you! He shouldn't have married you! Nor entrusted his sister to you! What can you do? Your parents just left you with a dilapidated house as all of your property! How can you save her life!"

I can't stand Arthur's judgment of my husband, so I reach out to pull his hand off my collar. "What do you know? What does it have to do with you! I told you I've quit my job!"

Arthur directly grabs my neck, pushes me back into the bed, and grits his teeth, "Can't you wake up!"

"I'm wide awake!" I struggle against his arm fiercely before choking.

Arthur's movements stop.

I breathe heavily and then look around for my phone. Now I have to call Giulia and ask about her condition. And I've received a deposit from Lucas, I don't know if he'll come looking for me.

But Arthur in front of me, he looks dangerous now. I have to leave quickly.

"Are you looking for this?" Arthur suddenly sneers, holding up my phone.

"Give it back to me." I reach out, looking into his eyes.

There's an extremely cold calmness in his gaze, which sends a shiver down my spine.

"You may not understand your situation yet," he says.

What situation? I widen my eyes.

The next second, two suited bodyguards burst in.

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