09 Clara

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Clara POV.

I got fired again.

This time, not even Mateo will help me. I spend a sleepless night in my rental apartment in New York. The next morning, I run to a cake shop.

I point to the cheapest one, feeling it's too shabby, so I pay extra to ask the clerk to put a little prince figurine on the cake.

Then it starts raining.

I purposely let the rain soak me completely, then I keep ringing Arthur's doorbell.

Half an hour later, he finally opens the door, with an angry look on his face: "What are you here for?"

"Happy birthday," I smile flatteringly at him.

I must look pitiful now, with rain all over my face and body.

But he just looks at me and coldly sneers, "Nice trick."

Well. I wipe the rain off my face, walk into the living room, and then place the cake on the dining table. "I bought you a cake to apologize. I was wrong yesterday."

"What kind of crappy cake is this? Are you trying to apologize with this thing?" Arthur looks at the cake, suddenly furious. "You know you were wrong? You don't even remember my birthday, and you went to find another man!"

"Are you my assistant or his assistant!?"

I lower my head, keeping silent.

And that makes him even angrier. He casually throws a decoration onto the floor, "Speak up! Are you deaf or mute!?"

I step back in shock, then witness Arthur smashing everything - the vase at the entrance, the ornaments on the shelf, the teacups, the TV... one after another.

I'm terrified, standing in the corner, murmuring, "Please stop... I'm sorry, really..."

Amidst the chaos, Arthur walks towards me step by step.

He pushes me against the wall, leaning in close, "I hate Theodore so much, are you trying to get my attention by getting close to him?"

I'm afraid of being smashed by Arthur like those objects, so I continue to apologize, "I was wrong."

Arthur stares into my eyes for a long time, then suddenly smiles. "You still have a chance now, to come back and be my assistant."

"What, what chance?" I stutter.

"Sleep with me." He slowly slips his hand into my clothes, touching my waist.

My breath stops, my toes tense up.

"Nervous? Isn't this your dream all along?" Arthur lifts my chin with his other hand.

He's right.

I swallow, tiptoeing, hooking my arms around his neck, and kissing him.

Arthur doesn't even have the patience for sex; he pushes me onto the couch and starts undressing me directly.

I can only grip his clothes, pleading for him to go to the bed.

"Such a hassle," he complains, then he picks me up and walks through the living room's debris towards the bedroom.

Outside the window, the rain is tapping lightly. Arthur tries a few times with his fingers and then impatiently enters me.

In next moment, there's a muffled thunder outside, followed by a flash of lightning, briefly illuminating the room before plunging it back into darkness.

My body feels like it's been split apart by the thunder. I gasp for air, sweating coldly.

I have to push against Arthur's shoulders, and say intermittently, "Wait... wait... don't go further, you can't go in, really..."

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