Chapter 29 Arthur

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Arthur POV.

When Emma arrives, Clara has already calmed down, but she is still crouching in the corner, staring blankly at the floor.

Emma directly kicks me out of the bedroom, leaving only herself and Clara in the room.

It's getting brighter, and Emma finally opens the door and goes downstairs. She comes out alone, and I frown at her.

Emma knows what I want to ask and speaks up, "Clara is okay."

I nod and start to head upstairs.

But Emma stops me. "I want to discuss something with you."

I stand still, looking at her. Emma speaks softly, "Let me take Clara out for treatment."

"Impossible." I reject coldly without hesitation.

Emma takes a deep breath. "She doesn't belong here. I talked to her, and she agreed."

I clench my fists.

"She still remembers me, but her thoughts aren't clear yet. She only has vague impressions of what happened during this time. She can't distinguish between what's real and what's an illusion," Emma continues.

I walk past Emma in silence and head upstairs.

When I push open the door, Clara is sitting by the window, her head lowered, seemingly lost in thought.

She hears the sound and looks up at me, a little nervous as she stands up and whispers, "I..."

I don't respond, silently walking forward. As I approach Clara, I notice her body trembling slightly.

So I stop and look at her, asking, "Are you leaving?"

Clara forces a smile, appearing nervous, and speaks very slowly, "Emma said, mentally, I'm not doing well right now. She's willing to help me get better." Perhaps because she's just waking up, her reactions are slow, and she needs time to think before speaking a complete sentence.

I remain silent, still staring directly at her.

After a moment, Clara speaks again, "I'm sorry to trouble you by being here."


So, she'd rather go with a woman she's known for only a few hours than "trouble" me.

So I scoff, "Don't get ahead of yourself."

Clara freezes in place for a moment. She swallows and then slowly explains, "I... thank you for saving me. I heard from Emma that you've been taking care of me during this time."

She pauses and adds, "I didn't mean to... I'm sorry."

She says a bunch of things, ending with an "I'm sorry."

I look at her.

Just the day before, I was feeding her, bathing her, kissing her in my arms. And now, all of that has become hearsay in her mouth?

I want to explain to her, like, "Don't be afraid, I won't insult you or hit you again."

I also want to say, "I want to be with you."

But I can't bring myself to say these soft words.

I can only keep a cold face, my voice devoid of any room for negotiation. "Just stay here, don't think of going anywhere."

Clara stares at me blankly, her gaze slightly puzzled.

But she quickly looks up and explains to me, "I know, Emma is your friend's wife; don't worry, I won't disturb their lives. I'll find a place to stay outside."

Is the problem here???

I can't take it anymore, so I look at her coldly for a moment, then turn around and walk out, slamming the door heavily.

But the next day, I have to go to Europe due to a sudden work schedule. And Clara, because of Emma's enthusiastic invitation, naturally moves into her house.

Every day, I have many meetings, and afterwards, I call James. He just says, "Clara is doing well and taking her medicine on time."

I want to ask more, I want to ask if she misses me, but after hesitating for a long time, I just furrow my brow and say, "Okay."

Then I hang up.

Actually, Clara knows my number. She has my number on her phone, but she never calls me.

Instead, I stare at her number blankly, unable to press the call button.

The next morning, James calls, saying Emma wants to take Clara out and asks if I agree.

I immediately refuse without hesitation. A few minutes later, my phone rings again, it's Emma calling.

As soon as I answer, she starts to speak rapidly, "What do you mean by keeping her locked up at home every day? Is she a criminal? Who are you to restrict her freedom?"

"Her condition is still not very good now, she's not suitable to go out," I explain.

"She's even less suitable to be kept at home! Do you know it's easy for her to have wild thoughts when she's alone like this? The people you've brought here are watching her like she's a criminal, she doesn't even have anyone to talk to!" Emma's voice rattles off on the other end.

I furrow my brow and finally say after a while, "Okay, but someone must accompany you."

Emma hangs up the phone.

The next day, I heard that Clara, accompanied by Emma, returned to her hometown and found a pair of rings in her old house.

I've seen those rings, simple silver ones, then I left them there on purpose.

But she still found them and then took the rings to her husband's grave.

She took the rings out of her pocket, dug up some soil, and buried them.

I immediately called Emma, but she said I had no right to question.

"Clara's thoughts and words are much clearer now, I assure you she'll be fine, and I'll bring her back. Please give her some respect, and also respect the dead," Emma said.

I hung up the phone in silence.

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