08 Clara

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Clara POV.

I sit in the driver's seat as Arthur walks past the car and settles into the passenger seat.

I start the car, feeling somewhat uneasy. I'm not sure when it started, but Arthur no longer sits in the back seat. He always sits next to me, as if supervising me like a driving instructor, and I unconsciously sit up straight.

At the end of August, F1 races resume, and I continue to fly with Arthur.

During this time, Arthur's dislike for Theodore is increasing day by day, and he even shows undisguised disdain for him in front of the camera.

Netizens discuss this matter, and there are even rumors that Theodore stole Arthur's girlfriend, a model named Chloe, which is why Arthur performed poorly in the last race last year and failed to win the championship.

I don't know the truth, and I dare not ask Arthur himself. All I can do is continue to diligently serve as his assistant, coming early and leaving late.

On the day of the race, I knock on his door to wake him up. He is always in a bad mood, after getting up.

I hand him toast and lemon water; he only takes the toast. I twist open the cup of lemon water and hand it to him again, and this time, he agrees to drink it.

The staff around us looks at us in shock.

I'm almost worried that new rumors will soon spread, such as Arthur acting arrogant in private and forcing his assistant to treat him like a god, thereby damaging his personal image.

However, Arthur himself doesn't care at all. After drinking the lemon water, he asks me to prepare another cup.

Finally, the race is about to begin. Arthur enters the track, and the cheers from the stands erupt.

He's always popular on the track, but today is different; the cheers are exceptionally long, lasting almost a minute.

I listen carefully to their shouts and make out a few words, realizing that today is his birthday.

Arthur wins the championship on his birthday, and the audience becomes even more excited. More security personnel begin to enter to maintain order.

The organizers are also thoughtful, pushing a two-tier birthday cake to Arthur in the stands, and reporters immediately swarm in to take photos.

From afar, I find that Arthur is actually very handsome. His face is like direct sunlight, leaving people stunned at first sight.

As if sensing my gaze, Arthur's head tilts slightly in my direction, and then he's pulled away for an interview.

I wait for him in the lounge, only to run into Theodore again.

"Rose, have you made up your mind? Will you come to be my assistant?" he asks with a smile.

I recall the rumors online that Arthur and Theodore fell out over a woman. Now it seems those rumors might be true.

Why else would Theodore call out my name the first time he saw me?

Back at the hotel in Belgium, when my room's air conditioning was broken, he had his assistant vacate his room for me. At that time, Arthur was probably still standing in the hallway with the door open. So Theodore did it on purpose?

And he even said in front of Arthur that I made breakfast for him.

"Thank you for the invitation," I say to Theodore, looking up at him. "But I'm currently happy with my job and don't want to change bosses."

He wants to provoke Arthur.

He thinks I have a relationship with Arthur, so he wants to steal Arthur's woman again.

I suddenly recall a word, disgusting.

Yeah. What's wrong with this man? Does he just like stealing other people's girlfriends, or does he want Arthur to perform poorly again this year?

I won't work for such a scumbag.

"Okay, I won't force you," Theodore nods, then turns to leave. But just before he leaves, he suddenly bends over, a pained expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

He massages his thigh, breathing weakly. "I think I pulled a muscle."

"Can you walk?"

"Yes," he says, but his hand remains on his thigh.

I have to ask out of humanitarian spirit, "Where's your doctor?"

He says, "My phone is dead, and I can't remember his number, and I don't know where he is."

"Then let me help you to your place."

I put his arm around my shoulder and support him with one hand, while opening the door with the other.

That's when I realize I've fallen into a trap.

Arthur is standing in the corridor, seemingly having been standing there for a long time, his eyes full of icy coldness.

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