Chapter 32 Arthur

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Arthur POV.

I dial the rescue hotline with my remaining consciousness, send a text message to the butler, and then fall into a complete coma.

When I wake up again, I find myself in the hospital, surrounded by many people, including James and several other doctors, the butler, and my father.

They tell me that I'm not in any life-threatening condition, just that my left leg has been torn open, causing me to faint from blood loss.

"Mr. Taylor, the airbag did a good job protecting him. You don't have to worry," James reassures my father.

"Will there be any lasting effects?" my father asks.

"Don't worry, his wound has been stitched up nicely, and he'll be able to walk normally in the future," James explains.

"That's good," my father sighs in relief.

However, his expression remains grave as he turns to the butler. "How did Arthur end up speeding?"

The butler clears his throat. "Mr. Arthur... was returning to the office to work overtime."

"At midnight??" My father is surprised.

I take a deep breath. "I forgot an urgent contract at the office and had to go back to retrieve it."

My father studies my expression. I look over his shoulder and meet the eyes of the butler behind him.

Before slipping into unconsciousness, I instructed the butler not to tell Clara about the accident.

I didn't want to gain her sympathy with this incident. Nor did I want him to tell my father about our argument, as he would definitely blame Clara for it.

The butler has proven to be trustworthy.

Later, I tell my father that there are medical staff to take care of me, and since he's old, I ask him to go back and rest.

He nods and, leaning on his cane, leaves with the butler.

I look up at the ceiling and finally relax.

When the butler returns, I ask about Clara's condition. He tells me that Clara woke up at eight in the morning, had breakfast, and then went to feed the fish.

I nod.

"Mr. Arthur, are we really not going to let her know? Miss Clara is actually very nice. She even made desserts for us yesterday. If she knew you were hospitalized, she would definitely come to see you..."

She made desserts?

I narrow my eyes.

She's good to everyone, except me.

So I interrupt him with a cold snort, "No need."

The next moment, the butler's phone rings. He answers it, his expression becoming anxious. The maid at home says that Clara suddenly ran to the bathroom to vomit while having lunch.

I sit up abruptly, almost pulling at my wound. "Is her depression relapsing?"

There was a time when she was like this, eating and then throwing up.

The butler immediately calls Emma, asking her to hurry to the villa.

An hour later.

I've been on a drip in the hospital all this time, and I finally receive a message from Emma on my phone. She says everything is normal with Clara.

I breathe a sigh of relief.

The butler comforts me, "Maybe it's just the change of season, Miss Clara doesn't have a good appetite."

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