Chapter 31 Arthur

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Arthur POV.

The next morning in the office, I receive a call from the butler.

"Miss Clara wants to go to work."

"Tell her to call the restaurant to resign, then stay at home." I hang up the phone.

Later, I hear from the butler that she had a serious lunch, took a nap, and went to feed the fish in the afternoon.

When I get home in the evening, Clara has a good attitude in admitting her mistakes and is super nice in bed.

Finally, she asks me if she can go out tomorrow, but I shake my head.

A week later, I come home early in the evening and ask her to change clothes, saying we are going out.

I've picked out a very formal long dress for her, similar to an evening gown.

Clara stands there in a daze, so I urge her, "Aren't you complaining that you are bored at home and want to go out? Change your clothes quickly."

She puts on the long dress and follows me downstairs, and get into the car.

Our destination is a vineyard.

As the driver drives to the underground parking lot, Clara gets out of the car and follows me.

I'm not satisfied with her cautious steps, so I pull her beside me, but I'm afraid Clara will walk behind me again, so I reach out and hold her hand.

There's a party inside.

The people I've invited include Elisabeth, Emma and her doctor husband James, as well as Lucas, whom I beat and sent to the hospital before, and Mateo, my former agent when I was still a racer.

They've all witnessed the ups and downs Clara and I have gone through over the years.

The atmosphere at the dinner table is quiet, except for Emma and James continuing to argue. Emma also asks Clara if she resigned because I forced her to. When she asks this question, Emma is holding a bottle of wine, as if she could fight me if Clara nods.

Clara swallows and looks at me, then at Emma, and shakes her head, "I'm a bit tired, I want to rest for a while."

" Yeah, I didn't think it through." Emma nods.

The table is round, with Clara sitting on my right and Elisabeth on my left. She keeps looking at me, her expression always very sad.

Mateo hasn't seen Clara and me for a long time.

He's surprised when he sees us come in, "Clara, you haven't changed a bit from three years ago."

"Really?" Clara asks.

Mateo nods, "Time froze you? you are so lucky."

Clara smiles.

"What about me?" I raise an eyebrow.

Mateo turns to look at me, and the smile on his face freezes.

"Mr. Arthur, you... you haven't changed either." He stutters.

Mateo used to call me by my name directly, but now he, like everyone else, has added a prefix to my name.

Many people are afraid of me, privately saying that they can never find any emotion on my face.

But that doesn't matter.

Dinner begins, and there's a steak in front of Clara.

She takes a bite and puts down her knife and fork. I lean closer to her and ask, "Does it taste bad?"

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